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发布时间:2023-10-08 11:44:54

[单项选择]The nurse is about to administer a medication to a client with whom the nurse is unfamiliar. To verify the client’s identity, the nurse should
A. ask the client his name.
B. check the name posted outside the client’s room.
C. ask a family member the identity of the client.
D. check the client’s identification bracelet.

更多"The nurse is about to administer a "的相关试题:

[单项选择]A client with heart failure asks the nurse about the reason for taking enalapril maleate. The nurse would explain that the medication is prescribed for which of the following reason
A. Lower the blood pressure by increasing peripheral vasoconstriction.
B. Lower the heart rate by slowing the conduetion system.
C. Block the conversion of angiotensin Ⅰ to angiotensin Ⅱ.
D. Increase myocardial contractility, thereby improving cardiac output.
[单项选择]A mother asks the nurse about how to manage her child’s morning hyperglycemi
A. a. Which of the following would be most appropriate response by the nurse Question the mother if her child has been avoiding sweets.B. Tell the mother that this is normal and to continue with the ordered doses.C. Ask the mother what her child’s blood glucose levels have been for the last few days.D. Inform the mother that this is unusual and the child needs to be seen in the emergency room now.
[单项选择]The nurse plans to administer an injection of heparin to a client. Which of the following techniques for heparin administration is appropriate
A. Selects a 1.5-inch, 21-gauge needle for the injection.
B. Makes the injection into the deltoid muscle.
C. Applies gentle pressure to the site for 5 to 10 seconds after the injection.
D. Aspirates with the plunger to check for entry into the blood vessel before injecting the heparin.
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing to administer a unit of blood to a client who is anemic. After its removal from the refrigerator, the blood should be administered within
A. 1 hour.
B. 2 hours.
C. 4 hours.
D. 6 hours.
[单项选择]The nurse teaches a client about the relationship between body position and gastroesophageal reflux. Which of the following statements by the client would indicate that he understands measures to avoid problems with reflux while sleeping
A. "I can elevate the head of the bed 4 to 6 inches. "
B. "I can elevate the foot of the bed 4 to 6 inches. "
C. "I can sleep on my back without a pillow under my head. "
D. "I can sleep on my stomach with my head turned to the left. "
[单项选择]A nurse instructs a prenatal class about the importance of doing Kegel exercises frequently. Kegel exercises help to
A. promote better breathing by strengthening the diaphragm muscle.
B. maintain good perineal muscle tone by tightening the pubococcygeus muscle.
C. minimize leg cramps by strengthening the calf muscles.
D. prepare the mother for pushing by strengthening the abdominal muscles.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a client about using vaginal medications. The nurse should instruct the client to
A. use a tampon after insertion to increase medication absorption.
B. release and pull up on the applicator before removal.
C. never refrigerate suppositories.
D. use only a water-soluble lubricant when inserting a suppository.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a psychiatric client about her prescribed drugs, chlorpromazine and benztropine. Why is benztropine administered
A. To reduce psychotic symptoms.
B. To reduce extrapyramidal symptoms.
C. To control nausea and vomiting.
D. To relieve anxiety.
[单项选择]Nurse:Mr.White,how about Friday at 9:30 Patinet:Would you have anything in the afternoon Nurse:Hmm...,we do have an opening at 4:00.()
A. See you then.
B. Would that be good for you
C. Hope you'll like it.
D. Are you sure you can make it
[单项选择]She was talking about her ______ as a nurse in a hospital, which we had never heard of.
A. expenses B. excuses
C. experiences D. expressions
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a student nurse in a mental health unit about how to establish a therapeutic nurse-client relationship. Which of the following is of prior importance in the therapeutic nurse-client relationship
A. Nurse’s self-awareness and understanding.
B. Nurse’s sound knowledge of psychiatric nursing.
C. Nurse’s sincere desire to help others.
D. Nurse’s acceptance of others.
[单项选择]The head nurse is observing a new graduate nurse instill eye drops into a client’s eyes. The head nurse evaluates that the new graduate is using appropriate technique when which of the following steps is incorporated into the procedure
A. The client is instructed to apply pressure to the eyes after instillation of the eye drops.
B. The nurse’s hand is stabilized on the client’s forehead while instilling the drops.
C. The medication is placed onto the client’s sclera.
D. The client is instructed to look at the nurse while the drops are being instille
[简答题]Staff Development: how to administer a staff budget effectively

This medication may cause dizziness or lightheadedness,especially when rising quickly from a lying to a standing position.What is the meaning of dizziness or lightheadedness()

A. 低血压
B. 心跳加快
C. 呼吸困难
D. 畏光
E. 头晕眼花
[单项选择]Some doctors prescribe medication to treat hyperactive children, because the children are extremely ______.
A. active
B. passive
C. lazy
D. diligent
[单项选择]The nurse is administering sublingual nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) to the client. Immediately afterward, the client may experience which of the following symptoms
A. Nervousness or paresthesia.
B. Throbbing headache or dizziness.
C. Drowsiness or blurred vision.
D. Tinnitus or diplopi
[单项选择]The nurse administers a preoperative intramuscular medication at the ventrogluteal site. The nurse will inject the medication into which muscle
A. Rectus femoris.
B. Gluteus maximus.
C. Gluteus minimus.
D. Vastus lateralis.


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