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发布时间:2023-12-10 22:32:34

[单项选择]A 2-week postpartum client inquires about alcohol use during lactation. She tells the nurse she has heard that a small glass of wine or beer before nursing will increase her milk supply and be good for the baby. What’s the nurse’s best response
A. "It’s true that a little alcohol before breast-feeding will help your milk supply because it will help you relax. "
B. "Research has shown that it actually decreases the amount of milk the baby will get, perhaps because it affects the taste of your milk. "
C. "A little alcohol will help you to relax and the small amount that will pass through the milk may just help the baby relax. "
D. "You shouldn’t even consider drinking alcohol while you are nursing a baby. "

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[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a client about using vaginal medications. The nurse should instruct the client to
A. use a tampon after insertion to increase medication absorption.
B. release and pull up on the applicator before removal.
C. never refrigerate suppositories.
D. use only a water-soluble lubricant when inserting a suppository.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a psychiatric client about her prescribed drugs, chlorpromazine and benztropine. Why is benztropine administered
A. To reduce psychotic symptoms.
B. To reduce extrapyramidal symptoms.
C. To control nausea and vomiting.
D. To relieve anxiety.
[单项选择]The nurse teaches a client about the relationship between body position and gastroesophageal reflux. Which of the following statements by the client would indicate that he understands measures to avoid problems with reflux while sleeping
A. "I can elevate the head of the bed 4 to 6 inches. "
B. "I can elevate the foot of the bed 4 to 6 inches. "
C. "I can sleep on my back without a pillow under my head. "
D. "I can sleep on my stomach with my head turned to the left. "
[单项选择]When we think about addiction to drugs or alcohol, we frequently focus on negative aspects, ignoring the pleasures that accompany drinking or drug-taking. (21) the essence of any serious addiction is a pursuit of pleasure, a search for a "high" that normal life does not (22) . It is only the inability to function (23) the addictive substance that is dismaying, the dependence of the organism upon a certain experience and a(n) (24) inability to function normally without it. Thus a person will take two or three (25) at the end of the day not merely for the pleasure drinking provides, but also because he "doesn’t feel (26) " without them.
(27) does not merely pursue a pleasurable experience and need to (28) it in order to function normally. He needs to repeat it again and again. Something about that particular experience makes life without it (29) complete. Other potentially pleasurable experiences axe no longer possible
A. Hence
B. Because
C. And yet
D. Moreover
[简答题]The first impression that a client receives about a business is very often through a telephone contact. A caller who is left hanging on "hold" will get the feeling that he or she has been forgotten or ignored. If a call is answered rudely, the caller may become angry.
[单项选择]A multigravid client in active labor is about to deliver. The nurse has no help immediately available. What should the nurse do first
A. Prepare a clean area on which to deliver the neonate.
B. Lower the head of the bed to a flat position.
C. Have the client push with a contraction.
D. Ask the client to take a deep breath and hold it.


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