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发布时间:2023-12-10 05:59:56

[单项选择]A 6-year-old girl has been hospitalized with rheumatic fever for 4 weeks. Her symptoms have gradually subsided, and she’s now ready for discharge. Which of the following plans for her health care is most important for her future well-being
A. Arrange for her to return to school as soon as possible to promote psychosocial development.
B. Encourage her to engage in unrestricted physical activity to regain physical strength.
C. Arrange for the administration of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent a recurrence of rheumatic fever.
D. Maintain seizure precautions, as central nervous system involvement may persist for several months.

更多"A 6-year-old girl has been hospital"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How many times has the girl been to the Great Wall
[单项选择]A client hospitalized with pneumonia has thick, tenacious secretions. To help liquefy these secretions, the nurse should
A. turn the client every 2 hours.
B. elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees.
C. encourage increased fluid intake.
D. maintain a cool room temperatur

You have been ill and hospitalized for one month. Your teachers and classmates went to see you. Write a letter to them to
1) thank them for their coming to see you,
2) express your feeling, and
3) state your present condition.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. Do not write the address.

[填空题]How many years has she been married?
She has been married ().
[单项选择]The mother of a hospitalized 3-year-old girl expresses concern because her daughter is wetting the bed. What should the nurse tell her
A. "It’s common for a child to exhibit regressive behavior when anxious or stressed. "
B. "Your child is probably angry about being hospitalized. This is her way of acting out. "
C. "Don’t worry. It’s common for a 3-year-olcl child to not be fully toilet-trained. "
D. "The nurses probably haven’t been answering the call light soon enough. They will try to respond more quickly. "
[单项选择]This little girl has a particular liking for chocolate. Whenever she sees it, she will snatch a bar and enjoy it to her heart’s content()
A. 这个小姑娘特别喜欢吃巧克力,无论什么时候见到巧克力,她都会抓起一块大口大口地吃起来。
B. 这个小姑娘喜欢吃巧克力,只要见到巧克力,她都会抓起一块心满意足地吃起来。
C. 这个小姑娘特别喜欢吃巧克力,无论什么时候见到巧克力,她都会抓起一块心满意足地吃起来。
D. 这个小姑娘喜欢吃巧克力的程度是,只要见到巧克力,她都会抢过来心满意足地吃起来。
[简答题]next term’s programme The girl has some other class in the evening. 选singing
[单项选择]A client who has stress incontinence has been given a pamphlet that describes Kegel exercises. Which of the following statements indicates that the client has understood the instructions in the pamphlet
A. "It will probably take a year before the exercises are effective. "
B. "I should perform these exercises every evening. "
C. "I can do these exercises sitting up, lying down, or standing. "
D. "I need to tighten my abdominal muscles to do these exercises correctly. "
[单项选择]Little ______ that the girl has fallen in love with him.
[单项选择]Little______that the girl has fallen in love with him.
[单项选择]The new factory that has been built next to us has()the value of our house.
A. demoralized
B. depreciated
C. deterred
D. derailed
[单项选择]Where has the woman been
A. To Colonado.
B. To Anzona.
C. To the Nile River.
D. To the Museum of Natural History.
[填空题]The girl has worked very hard to (real) ______ her dream.


Mr. Hooper has worked hard and has been very loyal to the company.
[填空题]Traditional Chinese medicine has been practically unknown in the West until very recently, The pioneers in this subject were the Western missionaries (传教士) traveling and living in China starting from the 17th century: This was also the time when Western medicine was introduced to China for the first time. In later centuries, as political and cultural{{U}} (36) {{/U}}between East and West grew stronger and became more frequent, most aspects of Chinese culture, including{{U}} (37) {{/U}}. medicine, came to be an object of increasing{{U}} (38) {{/U}}in the Western world. Despite the growing interest, even in our times, and despite the fact that the major works of{{U}} (39) {{/U}}European medical science have been translated into Western languages, the ancient Chinese medical writings, with a very few{{U}} (40) {{/U}},are still not available in any of the main European languages. Thus the{{U}} (41) {{/U}}of experts, who could make serious research in{{U}} (42) {{/U}}medic


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