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发布时间:2024-02-01 21:02:53

[单项选择]The client is taking lithium (Lithobid). Which instruct should the nurse give to the client
A. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day and to avoid caffeine.
B. Limit the use of salt in his diet.
C. Discontinue medicine when feeling better.
D. Increase the amount of sodium in his diet.

更多"The client is taking lithium (Litho"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Nursing implications for a client taking central nervous system (CNS) stimulants include monitoring the client for which of the following conditions
A. Hyperpyrexia, slow pulse, and weight gain.
B. Tachycardia, weight loss, and mood swings.
C. Hypotension, weight gain, and listlessness.
D. Increased appetite, slowing of sensorium, and arrhythmias.
[单项选择]A hospitalized client taking 30 mg of tranylcypromine (Parnate) twice per day complains of a stiff neck and headache. Which action would be best for the nurse to take
A. Note the complaints as usual adverse effects.
B. Withhold the next dose of medication.
C. Administer an analgesic, as needed and as prescribed.
D. Help the client relax.
[单项选择]The nurse notices that a depressed client taking amitriptyline (Elavil) for 2 weeks has become very outgoing, cheerful, and talkative. The nurse would suspect which of the following
A. The client is responding to the antipsychotic.
B. The client may be experiencing increased energy and is at an increased risk for suicide.
C. The client is ready to be discharged from treatment.
D. The client is experiencing a split personality.
[单项选择]The client is taking triamcinolone acetonide (Azmacort) inhalant to treat her bronchial asthm
A. a. Which of the following conditions is the client at increased risk for developing while taking this medication Oral candidiasis.B. Hyperglycemia.C. Gastric ulcer.D. Fluid retention.
[单项选择]The client is taking medication to control his cancer pain. Which of the following statements indicates that the client needs further instruction
A. "I should take my medication around-the-clock to control my pain. "
B. "I should skip doses periodically so I don’t get hooked on my drugs. "
C. "It is okay to take my pain medication even if I am not having any pain. "
D. "I should contact the oncology nurse if my pain is not effectively controlled. "
[单项选择]The client is taking carbamazepine (Tegretol) to treat his trigeminal neuralgi
A. a. While preparing the client’s teaching plan, which of the following instructions should the nurse include Limit physical activity while taking the drug.B. Eliminate caffeine from the diet while taking drug.C. Arrange to have a CBC drawn weekly.D. Take the drug on an empty stomac
[单项选择]A client is taking chlorpropamide (Diabenese). Which of the following side effects should be nurse expect from the medication
A. Hypoglycemia.
B. Oral candidiasis.
C. Dumping syndrome.
D. Extrapyramidal symptoms.
[单项选择]A pregnant client is taking folic acid. During prenatal teaching, which of the following foods would the nurse recommend as high in folic acid
A. Egg yolks.
B. Fruit.
C. Bread.
D. Milk.
[单项选择]A client is taking spironolactone (Aldactone) to control her hypertension. Her serum potassium level is 6 mEq/L. For this client, the nurse’s priority would be to assess her
A. neuromuscular function.
B. bowel sounds.
C. respiratory rate.
D. electrocardiogram (ECG) results.
[单项选择]A client diagnosed with tuberculosis is taking the prescribed chemotherapy of isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide. The nurse should evaluate the client for signs of which of the following commonly occurring toxicities
A. Ototoxicity.
B. Nephrotoxicity.
C. Optic neuritis.
D. Hepatotoxieity.
[单项选择]A client with rheumatoid arthritis has been taking large doses of aspirin to relieve her joint pain. The nurse should assess the client for which important symptom of aspirin toxicity
A. Chest pain.
B. Drowsiness.
C. Dysuria.
D. Tinnitus.
[单项选择]The client asks when he can stop taking the eye medication for his chronic open-angle glaucom( ).
A. Which would be the nurse’s best responseA. "You can stop using the eye drops when your vision improves. "
B. "You Need to use the eye drops only when you has symptoms. "
C. "You can discontinue the eye drops after 2 months of normal eye examinations. "
D. "You must use the eye medication for the rest of his life. "
[单项选择]For a client with bulimia, which assessment is least important in the care plan
A. Observe the client after eating for 1 hour.
B. Note the client’s intake.
C. Note changes in appetite.
D. Note changes in respiratory rat
[单项选择]A client is fully dilated. Which of the following actions would be inappropriate during the second stage of labor
A. Positioning the mother for effective pushing.
B. Preparing for delivery of the baby.
C. Assessing for rupture of membranes.
D. Assessing vital signs every 15 minutes.
[单项选择]Which client has the highest risk of ovarian cancer
A. 30-year-old woman taking oral contraceptive pills.
B. 45-year-old woman who has never been pregnant.
C. 40-year-old woman with three children.
D. 36-year-old woman who had her first child at age 22.
[单项选择]A client undergoes a total hip replacement. Which statement made by the client would indicate to the nurse that the client requires further teaching()
A. "I’ll need to keep several pillows between my legs at night. "
B. "I need to remember not to cross my legs. It’s such a habit. "
C. "The occupational therapist is showing me how to use a ’sock puller’ to help me get dressed. "
D. "I don’t know if I’ll be able to get off that low toilet seat at home by myself. "
[单项选择]In caring for the client with hepatitis B, which of the following situations would most likely expose the nurse to the virus
A. Contact with fecal material.
B. A blood splash into the nurse’s eyes.
C. Disposing of syringes and needles without recapping.
D. Touching the client’s arm with ungloved hands while taking blood pressur
[单项选择]Which event may trigger pain in the client with trigeminal neuralgia
A. Walking in the mall.
B. Sitting in the sun.
C. Eating lunch.
D. Sleepin


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