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发布时间:2024-02-03 00:17:51

[单项选择]Smoking is one of the worst things kids or adults (成年人) can do to their bodies. Yet every day nearly 4,400 kids between the ages 12 and 17 start smoking. Why There’s more than just one simple answer. Some kids may start smoking just because they’re curious. Others may like the idea of doing something dangerous—something grown-ups don’t want them to do. Still others might have grown up around lots of people who smoke and they might think it’s the way to act like an adult.
Tobacco(烟草)contains nicotine (尼古丁) which causes a good feeling—but that feeling only lasts for a little while. If you start to use nicotine, your body and mind will become so used to it that you’ll need to have it just to feel OK. It’s very hard to stop doing it, even if you want to. Smoking causes lots of diseases, like heart problems and cancer.
That’s true, but sometimes kids can’t really think that far into the future to worry about an illness they might not get for 20 years. So let’s talk about the probl
A. kids’ smoking problems
B. adults’ smoking problems
C. the smoking problems of kids and adults

更多"Smoking is one of the worst things "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Smoking is one of the worst things kids or adults (成年人) can do to their bodies. Yet every day nearly 4,400 kids between the ages 12 and 17 start smoking. Why There’s more than just one simple answer. Some kids may start smoking just because they’re curious. Others may like the idea of doing something dangerous—something grown-ups don’t want them to do. Still others might have grown up around lots of people who smoke and they might think it’s the way to act like an adult.
Tobacco(烟草)contains nicotine (尼古丁) which causes a good feeling—but that feeling only lasts for a little while. If you start to use nicotine, your body and mind will become so used to it that you’ll need to have it just to feel OK. It’s very hard to stop doing it, even if you want to. Smoking causes lots of diseases, like heart problems and cancer.
That’s true, but sometimes kids can’t really think that far into the future to worry about an illness they might not get for 20 years. So let’s talk about the probl
A. Because they feel curious or want to do something dangerous.
B. Because they want to act like an adult.
C. C. Both A and
Passage One
The worst thing about television and radio is that they entertain us, saving us the trouble of entertaining ourselves.
A hundred years ago, before all these devices were invented, if a person wanted to entertain himself with a song or a piece of music, he would have to do the singing himself or pick up a violin and play it. Now, all he has to do is turn on the radio or TV. As a result, singing and music have declined.
Italians used to sing all the time. Now, they only do it in Hollywood movies. Indian movies are mostly a series of songs and dances wrapped around silly stories. As a result, they don’t do much singing in Indian villages anymore. Indeed, ever since radio first came to life, there has been a terrible decline in amateur singing throughout the world.
There are two reasons for this sad decline: One, human
A. TV and radio can amuse us with beautiful songs and music
B. TV and radio have weakened our interest in entertaining ourselves
C. people should not be too lazy or embarrassed to sing
D. parents should sing songs and read books aloud to their children
[填空题]What is the worst thing
The worst thing is that you’re ______.

[简答题] 第二个: young adults
[简答题]Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field.
[填空题] Adults are getting smarter about how smart babies are. Not long ago, researchers learned that 4-day-olds could understand (36)________and subtraction. Now, British research (37)________ Graham Schafer has discovered that infants can learn words for uncommon things long before they can speak. He found that 9-month-old infants could be taught through repeated show-and-tell to(38)________ the names of objects that were foreign to them, a result that (39)________in some ways, the received (40) ________that apart from learning to (41)________things common to their daily lives, children don’’t begin to build vocabulary until well into their second year. " It’’s no (42)________that children learn words, but the words they tend to know are words linked to (43)________situations in the home, " explains Schafer. " (44)________________with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting. Figuring out how humans acquire language may shed light on why some children learn t


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