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发布时间:2024-01-11 00:29:04


British scientists have been given £ 1 million by the European Commission to find out if a robot (机器人) can safely be employed to stir (搅拌) soup.
The research, based at the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL), will look at the problems of a human and a robot working together in the same space; for example, in a kitchen where the service robot is performing a task such as stirring soup while you add cream.
Professor Chris Melhuish explained, "When we work with other humans, we are trying to understand facial expression, body movements, quality of voice, as well as sharing a goal and understanding and following spoken instructions. "
"For example, in the soup situation, not only does the robot need to know what the goal is ( making the soup) but he also needs to know how hard to stir the soup, what it means when you hold up your hand to say enough, to understand the look of pain on your face if you accidentally get wet with hot soup, and to stop stirrin
A. understand human instructions
B. show feelings by the looks on its face
C. follow the thoughts in its master’s mind
D. express itself through body movements

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British scientists have been given £ 1 million by the European Commission to find out if a robot (机器人) can safely be employed to stir (搅拌) soup.
The research, based at the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL), will look at the problems of a human and a robot working together in the same space; for example, in a kitchen where the service robot is performing a task such as stirring soup while you add cream.
Professor Chris Melhuish explained, "When we work with other humans, we are trying to understand facial expression, body movements, quality of voice, as well as sharing a goal and understanding and following spoken instructions. "
"For example, in the soup situation, not only does the robot need to know what the goal is ( making the soup) but he also needs to know how hard to stir the soup, what it means when you hold up your hand to say enough, to understand the look of pain on your face if you accidentally get wet with hot soup, and to stop stirrin
A. are clever enough to make good soups
B. know the rules for working with humans
C. cannot work well when kept behind gates
D. do not understand human expressions of pain

[单项选择]Text 4 British scientists have been given £ 1 million by the European Commission to find out if a robot (机器人) can safely be employed to stir (搅拌) soup. The research, based at the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL), will look at the problems of a human and a robot working together in the same space; for example, in a kitchen where the service robot is performing a task such as stirring soup while you add cream. Professor Chris Melhuish explained, “When we work with other humans, we are trying to understand facial expression, body movements, quality of voice, as well as sharing a goal and understanding and following spoken instructions.” “For example, in the soup situation, not only does the robot need to know what the goal is (making the soup)but he also needs to know how hard to stir the soup, what it means when you hold up your hand to say enough ^ to understand the look of pain on your face if you accidentally get wet with hot soup, and to stop stirring when told. The res
A. understand human instructions
B. show feelings by the looks on its face
C. follow the thoughts in its master’s mind
D. express itself through body movements
[单项选择]British scientists have found how to diagnose the disease, which causes loss of memory and personality change.
A. control
B. determine
C. prevent
D. treat
[单项选择]Identical twin sisters have led British scientists to a breakthrough in leukemia research that promises more effective therapies with fewer harmful side-effects.
A. administers
B. nurtures
C. inspires
D. ensures
[单项选择]You have been given a high priority task that needs to be completed within a short time frame.Since you know what has to be done,you assign tasks to the different team members and tell them when and how the tasks should be done.The management style that you are following is ().
A. directing
B. laissez faire
C. delegating
D. task-oriented
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While computers offer these (42) to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They .can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information al- lows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to (43) or retur
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