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发布时间:2023-11-14 06:24:52

[单项选择]Tom is a policeman, and Jack is a student. They go into a restaurant to have their lunch. They sit down at a table. Jack says to Tom, "Oh, three of my friends are here having their lunch." He points (指) to a table. Three young men are sitting there, talking. "They’re Dick, Mike and Bruce."
"But who’s who, Sam " says Tom. "I think the one without hair is Mike, the one wearing the hat is Dick, and the one smoking is Bruce."
"All wrong!" says Jack.
At that moment, the one smoking stands up. "It’s time for us to leave now, Dick." he says. The other two stand up and all the three leave.
"Shall I tell you who’s who " asks Jack.
"No. I already knew that, because I’m a policeman," answers Tom.
Can you find out who’s who now

The three men sitting over there are Tom’s friends.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.

更多"Tom is a policeman, and Jack is a s"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Tom is a policeman, and Jack is a student. They go into a restaurant to have their lunch. They sit down at a table. Jack says to Tom, "Oh, three of my friends are here having their lunch." He points (指) to a table. Three young men are sitting there, talking. "They’re Dick, Mike and Bruce."
"But who’s who, Sam " says Tom. "I think the one without hair is Mike, the one wearing the hat is Dick, and the one smoking is Bruce."
"All wrong!" says Jack.
At that moment, the one smoking stands up. "It’s time for us to leave now, Dick." he says. The other two stand up and all the three leave.
"Shall I tell you who’s who " asks Jack.
"No. I already knew that, because I’m a policeman," answers Tom.
Can you find out who’s who now

Tom and Jack sit together.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.
[单项选择]How will Tom go to Australia for his holiday?()
A. By train.
B. By plane.
C. By bus.
D. By ship.
[简答题]Jack asked Tom to return the storybook next Monday. Tom ______ to return the storybook next Monday.

Conversation 1

Where did Jack go last weekend()
A. To the hospital.
B. To the beach.
C. To his university.
D. To his hometown.
[简答题] Last Friday Tom borrowed a storybook from Jack. Last Friday Jack ______ Tom a storybook.
[填空题]Jack must (go) ______ away—we can’t find him anywhere in the factory.
[单项选择]Tom's jacket looked just the same as Jack's, but it cost ( ) his.
A. as much twice as
B. twice as much as
C. much as twice as
D. as twice much as
[单项选择]Jack has (set) his mind (to go to) college next year (even though) he hasn't (saved up). enough money to pay his tuition.
A. set
B. to go to
C. even though
D. saved up
[单项选择]Mary: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday
Tom: ______. What kind of party
Mary: It's a birthday party.
A. Sounds good
B. Looks nice
C. Seems all right
D. Feels excellent
[填空题]It takes Tom half an hour to go to school
Tom ______ half an hour ______ to school.

[单项选择]Tom: Let's go picnic this Saturday. Susan: Don't you think it's still a bit chilly at this time of year Tom: ________ .
A. No wonder
B. Cheer up
C. Up to you
D. Come on

M: Tom. do you want to go to the shopping center with me today
M: Sure. but I can’t leave yet. I’ve lost my room key and I have to wait for my wife to let me back into my room.

What is Tom’s problem ()
A. He won’t go shopping without his wife.
B. He lost his key in the shopping center.
C. He can’t keep his room clean.
D. He’s locked out of his room.

W: What a great day! Hey, Tom, do you want to go to the beach this weekend
M: Yeah, that is a great idea. Maybe Sara would like to come along with us.
W: I doubt it.
M: Why You are kidding! You know, she loves watching the sea.
W: But yesterday afternoon she told me that she would go home this Saturday.
M: What happened
W: She said that her mother was ill and stayed in the hospital, and therefore she wanted to go home to see her.
M: I am sorry to hear that. Well, What do you think Should we take some food
W: That sounds great. Maybe we could have a picnic on the beach. Then let’s take some sandwiches, chips, and uh…some salad as well.
M: We should also take some drinks like Coke and beer.
W: Good. In addition, we had better pack beach towels and sun cream.
M: OK. Please don’t forget to give me a call and let’s go down together.

What will the two speakers do this w
A. Go swimming in the sea.
B. Have a picnic in the hotel.
C. Have a picnic on the beach.
[单项选择]Weather ____, we’ll go for a walk in the woods tomorrow.
A. to permit
B. permitted
C. permits
D. permitting
[单项选择]The policeman stopped the driver and found that he()alcohol.
A. drinks
B. has drunk
C. is drinking
D. had drunk


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