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发布时间:2023-09-29 21:51:11


A few years ago, in their search for ways to sell more goods, advertising men hit on a new and controversial gimmick. It is a silent, invisible commercial that, the ad men claim, can be rushed past the consumer’s conscious mind and planted in his subconscious—and without the consumer’s knowledge.
Developed by James Vicary, a research man who studies what makes people buy, this technique relies on the psychological principle of subliminal perception. Scientists tell us that many of the sights coming to or eyes are not consciously "seen" . We select only a few for conscious "seeing" and ignore the rest. Actually the discarded impressions are recorded in the brain though they are below the threshold of consciousness.
There’s little doubt in Vicary’s mind as to the subliminal ad’s effectiveness. His proof can be summed up in just two words: sales increase.
In an unidentified movie house not so long ago, u
A. has an attempt to buy with a good reason
B. recalls some past events and activities
C. enjoys seeing some images in his mind
D. gets a mental picture without consciousness

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A few years ago, in their search for ways to sell more goods, advertising men hit on a new and controversial gimmick. It is a silent, invisible commercial that, the ad men claim, can be rushed past the consumer’s conscious mind and planted in his subconscious—and without the consumer’s knowledge.
Developed by James Vicary, a research man who studies what makes people buy, this technique relies on the psychological principle of subliminal perception. Scientists tell us that many of the sights coming to or eyes are not consciously "seen" . We select only a few for conscious "seeing" and ignore the rest. Actually the discarded impressions are recorded in the brain though they are below the threshold of consciousness.
There’s little doubt in Vicary’s mind as to the subliminal ad’s effectiveness. His proof can be summed up in just two words: sales increase.
In an unidentified movie house not so long ago, u
A. proves worth the money spent
B. can create a mental impression
C. helps sell more of their products
D. can arouse anger in the audience

[单项选择]What happened in London a few months ago()
A. The heart of London was flooded.
B. An emergency exercise was conducted.
C. 100 people in the suburbs were drowned.
D. One of the bridges between North and South London collapsed.
[简答题]A few decades ago, the world banking community invented new Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) systems to move money more efficiently across countries and around the globe. The 21 benefit of such systems was to 22 the float of capital that was unavailable for 23 checks were being cleared through banking 24 Today, we understand that. benefits of electronic banking are far more 25 than just reducing floating cash. The world of banking 26 revolutionize D. It is 27 more efficient and faster, but more global. And now 28 he Internet. EFT systems are increasingly 29 with the new world of e-commerce anti e-trade 30 1997 arid 2003. EFT value 31 from less than $50 trillion to nearly $40 trillion more than the 32 economic product of all the countries and territories of the entire world Three statistics 33 should emphasize the true importance of transnational EFT Satellite. wireless, and cable-base
A. A.introduce
D. increase


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