发布时间:2024-07-31 06:14:25

[单项选择]Once the 12 Girls Band became popular, similar groups predictably starting popping up. Musicat and Beautiful Youth 18 were formed last year. Both feature now-familiar formulas of attractive young women playing different instruments in songs that combine modem music with classic Chinese tunes. Yet they add to the mix by throwing in song, dance and even acrobatics. In an interview, noted music critic Jin Zhaojun said the girl band phenomenon was not new to China, as similar acts appeared in the 1980s.
However, the undying role is that to be successful, bands have to have a novel look. "The 12 Girls Band was the first group to give big live shows and show creativity in how they present their performances. The Beijing Red Poppy Ladies Percussion group, formed in 1999, has made a name for itself because they are the only band that exclusively plays drams and percussion instruments. Bands that don’t have ’a thing’ are sure to die fast," Jin said.
What is the passage mainly about
A. The Beijing Red Poppy Ladies Percussion.
B. A trend born—the 12 Girls Band.
C. How to succeed in musical world.
D. Bands that don’t have "a thing" are sure to die fast.

更多"Once the 12 Girls Band became popul"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Once the 12 Girls Band became popular, similar groups predictably starting popping up. Musicat and Beautiful Youth 18 were formed last year. Both feature now-familiar formulas of attractive young women playing different instruments in songs that combine modem music with classic Chinese tunes. Yet they add to the mix by throwing in song, dance and even acrobatics. In an interview, noted music critic Jin Zhaojun said the girl band phenomenon was not new to China, as similar acts appeared in the 1980s.
However, the undying role is that to be successful, bands have to have a novel look. "The 12 Girls Band was the first group to give big live shows and show creativity in how they present their performances. The Beijing Red Poppy Ladies Percussion group, formed in 1999, has made a name for itself because they are the only band that exclusively plays drams and percussion instruments. Bands that don’t have ’a thing’ are sure to die fast," Jin said.
How many members are involved in the
A. 8.
B. 10.
C. 12.
D. 14.
[单项选择]Passage Four
Luxury Self-catering Holiday Cottages in the heart of the Devonshire countryside.
Individually styled and color coordinated, these cottages, forming a courtyard round the old thatched pump house, offer elegant and spacious accommodation situated in the beautiful grounds of one of the largest privately owned country estates in the West County. Guests have full use of the owner’s private club.
Widworthy Court Sports and Leisure Club’s facilities include tennis court, squash court, heated outdoor swimming pool, pool side restaurant, indoor leisure spa complex comprising swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sun, steam room, solarium and bars.
Children and pets welcome
Please write or telephone for our full color brochure.
The Manager, The
A. education
B. entertainment
C. sports
D. sale
[简答题]Text B Am Flie band Das Band frisst Menschen und spuckt Autos aus.“, hatte mir ein Werkstudent gesagt, der selbst lange Zeit am Band gearbeitet hatte. Wie das gemeint war, sollte ich bald erfahren. Alle anderthalb Minuten rollt ein fertiger Wagen vom Band. Ich bin am letzten Bandabschnitt eingesetzt. Muss kleinere Lackfehler ausbessern, die es an jedem Wagen noch gibt. Da ist weiter nichts dabei“, denke ich anfangs, als ich sehe, wie langsam das Band vorw rtskriecht. Eine Frau arbeitet mich ein. Sie ist schon vier Jahre am Band und verrichtet ihre Arbeit wie im Schlaf, wie sie selbst sagt. Linke Wagentür ffnen. Scharniers ule nachstreichen. Das abgeschliffene Scharnier neu streichen. Griff für die Kühlerhaube herausziehen. Kühlerhaube aufklappen. Rechte Wagentür wie bei der linken. Kofferraum ffnen und nach eventuellen Lackfehler suchen. Zus tzlich noch auf sonstige Lackfehler achten, die bei sorgf ltiger Prüfung immer zu finden sind. Schlie lich auf den Laufzetteln der Wa
A. A. Am Flie band arbeitet man wie eine Maschine.
B.Es besteht die Gefahr, dass man schwer verletzt wird, wenn man am
C.Flie band arbeitet, weil der Flie band manchmal Menschen frisst.
D.Der Flie band nutzt einem die Arbeitskraft aus.
E. Die Arbeit am Flie band ist einfach aber monoton.

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