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发布时间:2024-04-05 05:51:00


M: I’m very worried about my examination next week.
W: Don’t worry, Tom. You’ll pass.

What can we learn from the conversation()
A. The woman thinks Tom will give up the examination.
B. Tom has no time to prepare for the examination.
C. The woman tries to make Tom less anxious.
D. Tom has passed the examination.

更多"[听力原文] M: I’m very worried "的相关试题:

[简答题]【听力原文】 My topic today is how to address the problem of hunger and starvation, which still exists in many parts of the world. To end hunger starts with people’s own productivity. A dangerous and patronizing cliche we often hear is: give a man a fish and feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for life. People living with chronic hunger have generations of wisdom about ’fishing’ — the problem is the barbed wire around the lake. The hunger project announced recently by the United Nations cut through the barbed wire, addressing the underlying social conditions that systematically deny hungry people the opportunity they need to end their own hunger. When we invest in a hunger project, we are investing in people’s productivity and giving people a chance to translate their hard work into improved well-being. We are ensuring that people get the opportunities which are rightfully theirs. Too often hungry people are isolated, marginalized and exploited. Mobilizing communities a

M: I left my raincoat in my room. Wait while I go back to get it.
W: Don’t bother. The weather report said it would clear up by noon.

What does the woman advise the man to do ()
A. Clean up her room.
B. Get for report back.
C. Not wait for him.
D. Not worry about her raincoat.

W: Now we have some questions about your work experience. Could you tell us a little about yourself
M: I have been working at my present job for 5 years.
W: Why do you want to come to work with us
M: To be honest, I’m interested in the job position and the attractive salary you offer.
W: All right, but what is your expected salary
M: I wouldn’t accept less than $60,000 a year.
W: Ok, and would you mind traveling on business
M: No. I like traveling a lot.
W: That’s great. We will inform you with a final decision within 2 weeks.
M: Thank you.

How many years has the man worked in his present job ()
A. One year.
B. Three years.
C. Five years.
D. Seven years.

W: What is the matter, Jack You seem very disappointed.
M: I knew just now that I didn’t pass the last math test.

Why is Jack disappointed()
A. Because he was late.
B. Because he didn’t pass the English test.
C. Because he didn’t pass the math test.
D. Because his math teacher criticized him seriously.

M: Frank is always late about dinner.
W: Maybe if you are tired of waiting on tables, you’d tell him to go home earlier.

What will the woman probably do()
A. The woman will ask Frank to come home earlier.
B. Frank will come home earlier.
C. She will have a quarrel with Frank.
D. She is tired of waiting for him there.

My grandfather used to have a beautiful gold pocket watch. He wore it on a fine gold chain across the front of his waistcoat, and when I was small he promised to leave it to me in his will.
"When I’m gone," he said, "this is going to be yours."
Unfortunately that will never happen now. About three months ago, my grandfather came up to London to visit us. The first Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park.
"We’ll do better than that," said my grandfather, "we’ll go and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square." SO off they went. They got home about teatime and my grandfather was looking very upset.
"My watch," he said, "it’s gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding the pigeons."

What did the grandfather use to have?

M: My library book is ten days overdue. Can you tell me how much I owe you
W: Let’s see, ten days at 5 cents a day will coat you fifty cents.

How much does the man owe the woman()
A. 10 cents.
B. 5 dollars.
C. 25 cents.
D. 50 cents.

M: Chinese and English are my favorite subject.
W: I like math but not Chinese or English.

Which subject does the woman like ()
A. Chinese & English.
B. English.
C. Math.
D. Math and English.

W: I’m very nervous when the teacher is here.
M: Me too. I believe he is too hard on us.

What do the students think of their teacher ()
A. The woman is using her dictionary:
B. The woman has no
C. The man can’t use his dictionary.
D. The man can use his dictionary.

M: Where is that book about cars I laid it down on the table.
W: I don’t know. I did some cleaning and don’t remember where I put it.

What is the man looking for()
A. A car.
B. A cow.
C. A book.
D. A tabl

My brother Tom is the kind of person who just can’t take up his mind by himself and is always asking advice of others. Although you try to give the Best advice, he never takes it but does just the opposite. Yesterday I answered his question in a different way.
Yesterday he showed me a letter that offered him a job. "What do you think, Bill Should I go If I were to accept the job, I’d have to stay in Africa for two years. I might have to stay longer. But it would be wonderful experience for me. What should I do "
"Don’t go." I told him. "You’d be very unhappy."
"Don’t go." he looked very surprised at my answer.
As you’ve probably guessed, Tom accepted the offer. I don’t know if it has occurred to him that I actually wanted him to take the job.

What did Bill advise Tom to do
Bill advised Tom not to()


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