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发布时间:2024-07-28 20:44:09


Conversation 2
W: Can I help you
M: I want to buy a house.
W: What kind of house do you want
M: Well, I have got a big family, my parents, my wife, two sons, one girl and me, so I’d iike to have a large house.
W: OK, I see. We have some large houses. You can choose the one you like.
M: Good! I want to have a house with 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, a toilet and a big meeting room.
W: Well, I suggest you buy Room 315. It is big enough for your family.
M: Thank you for your suggestion, I want to go there and have a look at it.
W: OK! This way, please.

What kind of house does the man want to buy()
A. Four bedrooms, a kitchen, a toilet.
B. Five bedrooms, a kitchen, a toilet and a meeting room.
C. Four bedrooms, a kitchen, a toilet and a meeting room.
D. Five bedrooms, a kitchen and a meeting room.

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Conversation 2
W: Can I help you
M: I want to buy a house.
W: What kind of house do you want
M: Well, I have got a big family, my parents, my wife, two sons, one girl and me, so I’d iike to have a large house.
W: OK, I see. We have some large houses. You can choose the one you like.
M: Good! I want to have a house with 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, a toilet and a big meeting room.
W: Well, I suggest you buy Room 315. It is big enough for your family.
M: Thank you for your suggestion, I want to go there and have a look at it.
W: OK! This way, please.

How many people are there in the man’s family()
A. Three.
B. Five.
C. Seven.
D. Eight.

Conversation 2
M: May I help you
W: Yes, my nephew is graduating from college next week and I’d like to get him a nice gift.
M: How much would you like to spend for the gift
W: Well, I usually spend about 20 dollars on a gift. Do you have anything nice for that price
M: How about a pen and a pencil
W: No, my brother gave him that for his birthday last year.
M: Well, then would he enjoy a chess set
W: No, he doesn’t play chess, but he is quite athletic.
M: Then you could get him a handball set.
W: That’s a good idea.

Why does the woman buy a gift for her nephew()
A. Because her nephew will enter college soon.
B. Because it will be her nephew’s birthday soon.
C. Because she likes her nephew very much.
D. Because her nephew will graduate from college soon.

W: Can you tell me where the post office is
M: I’m on my way. there myself. I’ll show you the way.

Where is the woman going()
A. To the post office.
B. To a fashion show.
C. To a shopping center,
D. To her office nearby.

M: How can you believe Tom He is telling lies.
W: Don’t you think he has honest eyes I do.

What does the woman think of Tom ()
A. He tells the lies.
B. He tells the truth.
C. He sometimes tells lies.
D. He sometimes tells the truth.

W: Can you tell me what time flight 318 arrives
M: Yes, at 6:00 p.m., but it has been delayed for two hours.

When is the airplane now expected to arrive()
A. 6:00 p.m.
B. 9:00 p.m.
C. 8:00 p.m.
D. It is delayed.

M: Excuse me, can you tell me if this bus goes to the People’s Park
W: I’m afraid I can’t, I’ve been here a few days myself.

Why can’t the woman give the man directions()
A. She is too weak to say much.
B. She is not familiar with the area.
C. She is very much afraid.
D. She has never taken the bus before.

M: Garden Hotel Reception. Can I help you
W: May I speak to Mr. Smith from Canada But I don’t know his room number.

Where did this conversation most probably take place()
A. In the hotel.
B. In the garden.
C. On the phone.
D. In Mr. Smith’s room.
[单项选择]Conversation TwoHow can the internet help Bob in his job search exactly
A. By helping him make friends.
B. By passing on the video he made.
C. By providing job information for him.

W: MacDonald Compan. Can I help you
M: I’d like to speak to Mr. Walker, please.

What is the woman()
A. A shop assistant.
B. A secretary.
C. A company manager.
D. A waitress.

W: Good morning. What can I do for you
M: I’d like to change 200 U.S. dollars.

What did the man want to do ()
A. Cash a check.
B. Open an account.
C. Change some money.
D. Make a deposit.

M: Good morning, can I help you
W: Good morning, I want to open a savings account.

Where did this conversation most probably take place ()
A. In a cinema.
B. In a library.
C. In a store.
D. In a bank.

W: What can I do for you, sir
M: I want to draw $100 from my account.
W: Have you got your bankbook with you
M: Yes, here it is.
W: That’s fine. Thank you. How do you want them
M: Ten-dollar bills. Please.
W: Anything else
M: Yes, could you tell me what my balance is please
W: Here’s your balance.
M: Thanks.

Where does this conversation most probably take place ()
A. At the post office.
B. In a shop.
C. At the bank.
D. In a restaurant.

Whenever you visit a foreign country, you must carry a passport. This document contains your photograph and gives your name, country, place and date of birth, height and any distinguishing marks. These details are checked by customs officers at the airport. They are trained to make sure that the photograph and details in your passport match your appearance.
Customs officers also check the passports of people returning from a foreign country. This is called immigration control. Some passengers may have to carry a special entry form called a visa. This allows them to stay in a country only for a given length of time.
If a customs officer suspects a passenger, he or she can feed the passport number into a computer. This will check the number to see if the passport is stolen or belongs to someone wanted by the police.

What does the document contain
It contains your photograph and your name, country, place and()and any distinguishing marks.


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