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发布时间:2023-12-16 07:31:25

[填空题]S3. The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to{{U}} S3 {{/U}}.

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[填空题]S3. The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to S3 .

[单项选择]According to the author, increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to ________.

[单项选择]The passage implies that the author and her boyfriend live in ______.

A. different cities in England
B. different countries
C. the same city
D. the some country
[单项选择]The author implies that allelomimetic behavior occurs most often among animals that ______.

A. prey on other animals
B. are less intelligent than their enemies
C. move in groups
D. have one sense organ that dominates perception
[单项选择]The author implies that scientists who regard the notion of a final state of truth without skepticism are Ⅰ. More arrogant or unimaginative than scientists who see science as a perpetual process Ⅱ. Visionaries who, though not necessarily correct, maintain an optimistic view of the future Ⅲ. A very significant majority of the scientific community
A. (A) Ⅰ only
B. (B) Ⅱ only
C. (C) Ⅰ and Ⅲ only
D. (D) Ⅱ and Ⅲ only
E. (E) Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ
[单项选择]The author implies that most small children believe that the quantity of water changes when it is transferred to a container of a different ______. a. color b. quality c. weight d. shape
[单项选择]The author implies that because of Franklin Delano Roosevelt' s physical disability, his wife often ______.

[单项选择]The author implies which of the following conclusions
[单项选择]The author implies that the goat of college education should be to develop the students' ability to ______.

A. find commercial applications for scientific research
B. set up informed goals before doing any scientific research
C. think critically and independently about how research is applied
D. adapt readily to the scientific development in the commercial sector
[单项选择]The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers with limit ed incomes buy organic foods instead of conventionally grown foods be cause ______ .

A. organic goods can be more expensive but are often no better than conventionally grown foods
B. many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown foods
C. conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organic foods
D. too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food crops
[单项选择]The author implies that the behavior of the dominant male rats is sometimes parallel with that of ______.

A. cruel, powerful people
B. people who abandon their children
C. hyperactive people
D. people who would like to keep to themselves
[单项选择]The author implies that the Puerto Rican writers who have written most about assimilation do NOT______.

[单项选择]The author implies that ______.

[单项选择]The author implies all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A. the US relies heavily on foreign professionals.
B. visa system may be useless, or even harmful
C. the US government has not put high technology to good use
D. the more efficient the government, the safer the country
[单项选择]The author implies in this passage that ______.

[单项选择]The author implies that the rise of China______.

A. will only bring the world benefits
B. will also bring the world something bad
C. will make America more important
D. will cause oil prices to rise
[单项选择]In the passage,the author implies that ______.
A. more than 15 states in the United States do not use capital punishment
B. 1ife imprisonment without parole is a heavier sentence than capital punishment
C. in the United States those who should’ve been executed 1ive a miserable life in prison
D. in the United States a person who should’ve been executed might be set free after only 20 years’ imprisonment


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