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发布时间:2024-07-27 18:28:26

[单项选择]Murder in the Cathedral is a verse drama by______that portrays the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170.
A. T. S. Eliot
B. Christopher Fry
C. C. W. Yeats
D. D. G. Shaw

更多"Murder in the Cathedral is a verse "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Shelley's masterpiece, ______, is a verse drama, which borrows the basic story from the Greek mythology.
A. The Revolt of Islam
B. Prometheus unbound
C. Ode to the West Wind
D. Adonais
[简答题]孩子playing drama的好处。Playing drama有助于儿童的confidence
[单项选择]Visitors to St. Paul Cathedral are sometimes astonished as they walk round the space under the arch to come up a statue which would appear to be that of a retired armed man meditating upon a wasted life. They are still more astonished when they see under it an inscription indicating that it represents the English writer, Samuel Johnson. The statue is by Bacon, but it is not one of his best works. The figure is, as often in eighteenth-century sculpture, clothed only in a loose robe that leaves arms, legs and one shoulder hare. But the strangeness for us is not one of costume only. If we know anything of Johnson, we know that he was constantly ill all through his life; and whether we know anything of him or not we are apt to think of a literary man as a delicate, weakly, nervous sort of person. Nothing can be further from that than the muscular statue. And in this matter the statue is perfectly right. And the fact which it reports is far from being unimportant.
The body and the m
A. they do not expect it to be there
B. it is dressed in Roman costume
C. it is situated under the arch
D. it is dressed in eighteenth-century costume
[简答题]Cathedral Construction Ltd is a property-owning company. The main asset of the company is a piece of land that it bought with the view of building a block of flats on it. The land was bought some years ago at a price of R50 000. The directors have recently had the site revalued and the current value is R350 000. It has been some years since the company has paid a dividend and the directors propose to use the revaluation as a basis for declaring a dividend in order to make the shares of the company more attractive, should they decide to issue further shares in the future. Required: Advise the directors as to the legality of a payment of dividends by a company in the above circumstances. (10 marks)
[单项选择]According to the passage, Rossetti’s verse and that of other Pre-Raphaelites shares which of the following stylistic characteristics
A. A melancholy atmosphere
B. The use of religious figural language
C. A rejection of the notion of sacrifice
D. A preference for a Christian solution to aesthetic problems
E. An anti-orthodox iconoclastic approach
[单项选择]In literature a story in verse or prose with a double meaning is defined as
A. allegory.B. sonnet.
B. blank verse.D. rhyme.
[单项选择]The policemen are investigating the murder ( ).
A. event
B. case
C. incident
D. accident
[单项选择]It is said that he ( ) murder.
A. committed
B. conducted
C. executed
D. emitted
[简答题]Please don’t mention the murder before our children ________(以免吓着他们).
[单项选择]The man confessed that he ( )a murder.
A. did     
B. conducted  
C. committed   
D. performed
[单项选择]As much as murder is a staple in mystery stories, so is love. Love may be a four-letter word, or the greatest of the trio of faith, hope, and love. It may appear in a mystery as the driving force behind the plot and the characters. Or it may appear as an aside in a sub-plot, a light spot in a heavy story. But it’s there. Even Valentine knew love was worth dying for.
An emotion this strong gets a lot of attention. Love has its own special day, St. Valentine’s Day. According to legend, the Roman emperor Claudius Ⅱ needed soldiers to fight for him in the far reaches of the Roman Empire. He thought married men would rather stay home than go to war for a couple of years, so he outlawed marriage and engagements. This did not stop people from falling in love. Valentine, a priest, secretly married many young couples. For this crime, he was arrested and executed on February 14.
St. Valentine’s Day was off to a rocky start. Love, secrecy, crime and death, love prevailed, and the day lo
A. turns into hatred at last
B. serves as incentives for murders
C. serves as the end of the story
D. beats justice


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