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发布时间:2023-09-30 05:19:40

[简答题]Painters lacking originality often__________(把生命耗费在对大师的模仿上).

更多"Painters lacking originality often_"的相关试题:

[填空题]Paragraph Six Painters and sculptors create images of the human form; writers tell stories or compose poems about human experience; historians and philosophers ponder the essential qualities of human civilization and nature. And in our own lives, we spend a great deal of our energy and attention on observing our fellow creatures with curiosity and interest.
[填空题]The most common mistake beginning painters make is spending too ______ time and effort laying on the paint.

[填空题]By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States_______________________. (开始在世界范围内对艺术发生重大影响)
[简答题]S3. What do traditional painters fail to do

[简答题]S4. By saying that traditional painters worked inside, we can conclude that they ignore

[单项选择]Lacking further hard evidence of the bombing itself. the police could hardly tell who might be responsible.
A. 由于警方难以确定此爆炸事件的负责人,所以进一步的取证工作很难进行。
B. 因为对爆炸事件的进一步取证工作很难进行,警方难以确定谁来作负责人。
C. 由于对爆炸事件本身缺少进一步的确凿证据,警方无法确定谁有可能是主谋。
D. 因为对爆炸事件的进一步取证工作很难进行,警方无法确定谁有可能是主谋。
[单项选择]"Alan, " said Hughie seriously, "you painters are a heartless lot. "( )
A. ...painters have no feelings.
B. ...painters are never moved.
C. ...painters never become emotional.
D. ...painters are cruel.
[多项选择]Young Generation Lacking of Striving Spirit
1. 社会上不少人认为,现在的青年学生拼搏精神不够;
2. 对此你的看法是…
[单项选择]Although vocal cords are lacking in cetaceans, phonation is undoubtedly centered in the larynx.
The toothed whales or odontocetes (sperm whales and porpoises) are much more vociferous than the whalebone whales, or mysticetes. In this country observers have recorded only occasional sounds from two species of mysticetes (the humpback and right whale). A Russian cetologist reports hearing sounds from at least five species of whalebone whales but gives no details of the circumstances or descriptions of the sounds themselves. Although comparison of the sound-producing apparatus in the two whale groups cannot yet be made, it is interesting to note that the auditory centers of the brain are much more highly developed in the odontocetes than in the mysticetes, in fact, to a degree unsurpassed by any other mammalian group.
Which of the following animals has the most highly developed auditory center in the brain
A. Elephants.
B. Humpback whales.
C. Racoons.
D. Sperm whales.
[单项选择]His originality as a composer is____by the following group of songs.
A. exemplified
B. created
C. performed
D. realized
[单项选择]Lacking ______ sensibility because of unique upbringing, Monica does not care about right and wrong.

A. amoral
B. immoral
C. moral
D. immortal
[多项选择]反映企业生产经营过程中发生的耗费与获得的收益之间关系指标的是成本费用利润率。该比率越高,表明企业耗费所取得的收益越高。该公司的成本费用利润率为( )。
A. 29.29%
B. 31.52%
C. 39.76%
D. 41.43%
[单项选择]衡量商品价值的标准是耗费的( )。
A. 社会必要劳动时间
B. 资源数量
C. 原材料费用
D. 劳动时间
[单项选择]引起LRU算法的实现耗费高的原因是( )。
A. 需要硬件的特殊支持
B. 需要特殊的中断处理程序
C. 需要在页表中标明特殊的页类型
D. 需要对所有的页进行排序
[单项选择]各种产品的各项耗费之和是( )的概念。
A. 餐饮成本
B. 广义成本
C. 燃料成本
D. 人工成本
[单项选择]筹资过程中的资金与人力耗费,即为( )。
A. 筹资成本
B. 筹资费用
C. 资本占用费用
D. 机会成本


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