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发布时间:2024-02-17 00:17:25

[单项选择]Who are these New Yorkers Why do they come here Where are they from The last question at least is easy to answer: we come from everywhere. In the list of the top 20 source nations of those sending immigrants to New York between 1990 and 1994 are six countries in Asia, five in the Caribbean, four in Latin America, three in Europe, plus Israel and the former Soviet Union.
All the New Yorkers are immigrants.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

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[单项选择]Why do advertisers like the new auction based service for display advertising

A. Because more people can see the advertisement.
B. Because the service brings them more profit.
C. Because they only pay for results.
D. Because the service offer more flexibility and control.
[单项选择]Why do some new products succeed, bring millions of dollars to innovative companies, while others fail, often with great losses7 The answer is not simple, and certainly we cannot say that "good" products succeed while "bad" products fail. Many products that function well and seem to meet consumer needs have fallen by the wayside. Sometimes, virtually identical products exist in the market at the same time with one emerging as profitable while the other fails. Mc. Neal Laboratories’ Tylenol has become successful as an aspirin substitute, yet Bristol Meyers entered the test market at about the same time with Neotrend, also a substitute for aspirin which quickly failed.
The nature of the product is a factor in its success or failure, but the important point is that they should aim at meeting the customer’s need, and the introductory promotion should seek to communicate that need satisfying quality and motivate the customer to try the product. Often, attitude change is involved, and
A. that the good products succeed while the bad fail
B. that the "good" are not really good but the "bad" are actually bad
C. that new products will succeed if they function well and fail if they don’t
D. not given in the paragraph
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A. that
B. where
C. which
D. when
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A. Because dogs are lovely.
B. Because dogs are clever.
C. Because dogs always try to please their owners.
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