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发布时间:2023-12-08 00:50:25

[单项选择]Since the early 1990s, conservationists have ( ) protecting the Amazon in part because of its abundance of plant and animal species.
A. called forth
B. called back
C. called up
D. called for

更多"Since the early 1990s, conservation"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Text 1   Back in the early 1990s,I knew little about computers beyond what it took to get through a working day.But here’s what I did know:something huge was happening.It was stirring economies and imaginations and possibilities like nothing I had ever known.I knew the world was changing in ways that meant I shouldn’t count on old assumptions.And I knew I had dreams I still hadn’t fulfilled. But I didn’t know how to realize them until I met with my old friend,Rollys Rouse,when we happened to move into the same neighborhood.   Rolly often called me with a stream of ideas.His rate of idea production per second seemed al- most incredible.Soon we were on the phone with each other every day.Talking about the Internet.   TalMng about starting a new online company-maybe together.   He was then developing a plan and he wanted me to be a part of it:we would give people wonderful,whole electronic houses on a CD-ROM and let them modify those homes to their own needs.Try out different windows
A. house designing
B. home decoration
C. furniture production
D. high-tech development
[单项选择]Since the 1990s, ( ) is the first to use computer management in China's tourism industry.
A. China International Travel Service
B. China National Travel Service
C. China Youth Travel Service
D. China Comfort Travel Service
[简答题]Ever since early the last century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. ______________________________. 2. If there were no electric power, ______________________________. 3. Therefore, ______________________________.

Since the Hawaiian Islands have never been connected to other landmasses, the great variety of plants in Hawaii must be a result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds, a process that requires both a method of transport and an equivalence between the ecology of the source area and that of the recipient area.
There is some dispute about the method of transport involved. Some biologists argue that ocean and air currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii. Yet the results of flotation experiments and the low temperatures of air currents cast doubt on these hypotheses. More probable is bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds. While it is likely that fewer varieties of plant seeds have reached Hawaii externally than internally, more varieties are known to be adapted to external than to internal transport.

The passage suppli
A. Why does successful long-distance dispersal of plant seeds require equivalence between the ecology of the source area and that of the recipient area
B. Why are more varieties of plant seeds adapted to external rather than to internal bird transport
C. What varieties of plant seeds are birds that fly long distances most likely to swallow
D. What is a reason for accepting the long-distance dispersal of plant seeds as an explanation for the origin of Hawaii flora
[单项选择]Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat
A. eat
B. cook
C. freeze
D. keep
[单项选择]Since 2000, Hispanics have _____ more than half (50.5%) of the overall population growth in the United States — a significant new demographic milestone for the nation’s largest minority group.
A. consisted of
B. composed of
C. amounted to
D. accounted for
[单项选择] Since the early 1930s, Swiss banks had prided themselves on their system of banking secrecy and numbered accounts. Over the years, they had successfully withstood every challenge to this system by their own government who, in turn, had been frequently urged by foreign governments to reveal information about the financial affairs of certain account holders. The result of this policy of secrecy was that a kind of mystique had grown up around Swiss banking. There was a widely-held belief that Switzerland was irresistible to wealthy foreigners, mainly because of its numbered accounts and bankers’’ reluctance to ask awkward questions of depositors. Contributing to the mystique was the view, carefully propagated by the banks themselves, that if this secrecy was ever given up, foreigners would fall over themselves in the rush to withdraw money, and the Swiss banking system would virtually collapse overnight. To many, therefore, it came like a bolt out of the blue, when, in 1977, the
A. the number of their accounts.
B. withholding client information.
C. being mysterious to the outsiders.
D. attracting wealthy foreign clients.
[填空题]Since my childhood I have found that ______ (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力).
[简答题]Since my childhood I have found that______(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力).


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