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发布时间:2024-06-02 03:03:28

[单项选择]She is one of the few people here I can understand properly, she pronounces all her words so ( ).
A. exactly
B. distinctly
C. distinctively
D. distinguishably

更多"She is one of the few people here I"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Very few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very ()
A. faint
B. indefinite
C. obscure
D. gloomy
[单项选择]Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very __
A. intriguing
B. indefinite
C. obscure
D. dubious
[简答题]Here are a few examples of business customs in foreign lands that one should be cognizant of:    In Brazil, conversations can become very animated and involve physical contact and raised voices. Yet trying to dominate the conversation will meet with disapproval.    In China, it’s considered impolite to reply negatively. Answers like “we should discuss this further at another time” or “perhaps” are much better than a simple “no”. The details can be worked out later. When giving gifts, avoid using white or green wrapping paper as those colors are considered to be inauspicious.    In Germany, it’s customary to wait to be introduced someone new by a third party. People are uncomfortable when approached by complete strangers.    When dining with co-workers in Japan, always let the host pay for the meal. Be sure to never leave your chopsticks placed vertically in a bowl of rice as this is only done at funerals. The Irish are enthusiastic conversationalists who often indulge in critic
A. A.very interesting with physical contact and raised voices
B.animated and anyone can dominate the conversation
C.animated and everyone likes to control it
D.very interesting yet people may disapprove to each other

[填空题]You can listen to a writer here one evening this week.
[填空题]It is ______ one can ever receive when he/she hears someone else expressing love to him/her.
[单项选择]She is very careful. She ( ) very few mistakes in her work.
A. does
B. rakes
C. makes
D. gets
[单项选择]I can't leave. She told me that I () stay here until she comes back.
A. can
B. must
C. will
D. may
[单项选择][A] Yes, she can.
[B] No, she can’t.
[C] She will live there.
[单项选择]She is very careful. She ()very few mistakes in her work.
A. does     
B. makes     
C. takes     
D. gets
[单项选择]()she dream that she would one day be elected president
A. However did
B. Little did
C. Scarcely had
D. No sooner did
[单项选择]I can't leave. She told me that I ______ stay here until she comes back.
A. can
B. must
C. will
D. may
[单项选择]Although she is new here, she seems to be ______ with everyone who comes to the store.

A. admired
B. admitted
C. accepted
D. acquainted
[单项选择]She has proved that she can be relied on in a crisis.()
A. lived on
B. depended on
C. lived off
D. believed in
[简答题]They move here and there and can get into a man’ s eyes or into the spaceship’ s instruments. ( Passage 2 )
[填空题]She complains that she can’t help (worry) ______ about her husband.


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