In this new era, the single most
immediate and most serious challenge to America traditional identity comes from
the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from
Mexico, and the fertility (生育) rates of these immigrants compared to black and
white American natives. Americans like to boast of their past success in
assimilating (同化) millions of immigrants into their society, culture, and
politics. But Americans have tended to generalize about immigrants without
distinguishing among them and have focused on the economic costs and benefits of
immigration, ignoring its social and cultural consequences. As a result, they
have overlooked the unique characteristics and problems posed by contemporary
Hispanic immigration. The extent and nature of this immigration differ
fundamentally from those of previous A. The focus on the social and cultural costs and benefits of immigration. B. The distinction they made between immigrants. C. The lack of recognition of the immigrants’ economic influence. D. The lack of recognition of the immigrants’ differences. [单选题]正常操作时,如两台MCDU显示同一页面,在MCDU1上所做的修改如何送到MCDU2:
A.通过FMGC1 B.通过FMGC2 C.通过FMGC1和FMGC2 D.通过FMGC1和RMP2 [填空题]41、检查轿顶急停开关时;接触电阻应小于( )毫欧。
A. telnet B. nslookup C. ping D. ftp [多项选择]下列关于“信用证欺诈例外”原则的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 《跟单信用证统一惯例))(UCP500)对此作出了明确的规定 B. 它是各国司法实践中确立的原则 C. 目前世界上在成文法中对“信用证欺诈例外”作出规定的仅有美国的《统一商法典》 D. 根据美国《统一商法典》的有关规定,银行对有欺诈嫌疑的单据可以自行确定拒绝付款或承兑 [填空题]电力牵引电流回流自电力机车车轮传递至钢轨起即分成两部分回流,一部分由钢轨回流,另一部分经 回归牵引变电所。
[判断题]( )物理大气压是指相当于76厘米汞柱产生的压强。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()对全行呆账核销和年度呆账准备金提取总额进行审核,监督全行风险控制情况。
A. 观察 B. 内分泌治疗 C. 手术治疗 D. 理疗 E. 中药治疗 [填空题]线路保养质量评定应以<--NRC-->为单位,满分为100分。
A. 分层底质,上层为沙,下层为泥 B. 分层底质,上层为泥,下层为沙 C. 沙的成分多于泥的成分的混合底质 D. 泥的成分多于沙的成分的混合底质 [判断题]TYJL-ADX型计算机联锁具有对室内外联锁设备的检测和监测功能。
#include <stdio.h> main( ) int x; scanf("%d",&x); if(x<=3); else if(x!=1O) printf("%d/n",x); 程序运行时,输入的值在______范围才会有输出结果。 A) 不等于10的整数 B) 大于3且不等10的整数 C) 大于3或等于10的整数 D) 小于3的整数 我来回答: 提交