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发布时间:2023-11-05 03:44:41

[单项选择]According to the woman, someone may have gotten her credit card number ______.
A. out of a receipt in some store
B. from an Internet auction
C. from the credit card company

更多"According to the woman, someone may"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What trouble does the woman have
A. She doesn’t know where she can get a tape.
B. She has lost her tape.
C. She wants to change the tape.
[单项选择]What problem does the woman have
A. She doesn’t want to pay the late fee.
B. She was given incorrect information.
C. She can’t afford to pay her tuition.
D. She didn’t pass her mathematics class last semester.
[单项选择]What problem does the woman think the man may have
A. He may not have enough time to cook.
B. He may spend more money on food next semester.
C. He may gain weight if he does his own cooking.
D. He may not enjoy cooking.
[单项选择]A. He may not have enough time to cook.
B. He may spend more money on food next semester.
C. He may gain weight if he does his own cooking.
D. He may not enjoy cooking.
Where did the woman have her dinner
[单项选择]Why does the woman have a problem
A. She is taking too many classes.
B. She lives too lar from her family.
C. She made an error when she scheduled her trip.
D. She did not do well on her final exam.
[单项选择]How many sisters does the woman have
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
How many French cigarettes does the woman have

"Motherhood may make women smarter and may help prevent dementia(痴呆) in old age by bathing the brain in protective hormones," US researchers reported on Thursday.
Tests on rats show that those who raise two or more litters of pups do considerably better in tests of memory and skills than rats who have no babies, and their brains show changes that suggest they may be protected against diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia (早老痴呆症). University of Richmond psychology professor Craig Kinsley believes his findings will translate into humans.
"Our research shows that the hormones of pregnancy (怀孕) are protecting the brain, including estrogen (雌激素), which we know has many neuroprotective (保护神经的) effects," Kinsley said.
"It’s rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals," he added in a telephone interview. "They go through pregnancy and hormonal changes."
Kinsley said he hoped public
A. Some researchers have told them.
B. Many women say so.
C. They know it by experimenting on rats.
D. They know it through their own experience.

[单项选择]How much do the man and woman have together
A. 9 yuan.
B. 6 yuan.
C. 15 yuan,
[单项选择]What will the woman have to do()
A. Buy a ticket for the ten o’clock flight.
B. Ask the man to change the ticket for her.
C. Go to the airport immediately.
D. Switch to a different flight.


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