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发布时间:2024-03-23 20:32:31

[单项选择]As she joined the company before me, she is senior ()me.
A. from
B. to
C. than
D. for

更多"As she joined the company before me"的相关试题:

[单项选择]She told us that five years before, she had been just one of the high school students, but it seemed that overnight she turned into a singer()
A. 她告诉我们,五年前她不过是一个普通的高中生,然而似乎是在一夜之间她便成了歌星。
B. 五年前她跟我们说,她曾是那些高中生中的一员,但她在黑夜中摸爬滚打才如愿当上了歌星。
C. 她坦白说她是在五年前从一名高中生变成歌星。
D. 她对我们说,她只读了五年书,后来好像时来运转,她突然成了歌星。
[单项选择]She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would______ her long effort.

A. justify
B. testify
C. rectify
D. verify
[单项选择]The last thing( )she had done before she got aboard the plane was embracing him.
A. which
B. that
C. to that
D. of which
[单项选择]Before she went to work, she had to go to school to learn some English.

[单项选择]Who joined the company recently
A. Some designers.
B. An art director.
C. Some photographers.
[单项选择]How did Jane spend her days before she went back to work()
A. Doing housework.
B. Looking after her neighbor’s children.
C. Reading papers and watching TV.
D. Taking good care of her husband.
[单项选择]She told me that she was then living in a ( ).
A. two-stories wooden house
B. wooden two-story house
C. two-story wooden house
D. wooden house two storied
[填空题]Jane asked me a lot of questions and she had me utterly (confuse)()
[单项选择]She showed him the photo she( ) the day before.
A. has taken
B. took
C. was taking
D. had taken
[单项选择]She couldn't ( ) about the dress. So she asked me what I thought about it.
A. have decision
B. make decision
C. have a decision
D. make a decision
[简答题]Before not long, she had learned thetruth.
[单项选择]Before her marriage, she spent a considerable time in that very part of Shanghai, ( ) she belonged.
A. which
B. to where
C. to which
D. at which
[单项选择]She found me very dull.( )
A. dirty
B. sleepy
C. lazy
D. boring
[单项选择]Penny joined a new company three months ago. However, she didn't feel herself ( ). so she left at last.
A. show off
B. fit in
C. go up
D. come over
[填空题]Before every concert, she worries about how well she will (performance) ______.
[单项选择]Before she could shout "look ______" to the old man, he was run ______ by a car coining from his left.
A. back, on
B. out, over
C. up, down
D. ahead, at
[单项选择]She asked me when I ( ) Beijing.
A. arrived
B. arrived to
C. reached
D. reached to
How much time did she have before her meeting
A. 6 hours.
B. 5 hours.
C. 4 hours.
D. 1 hour.


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