发布时间:2023-12-15 02:15:17

[单项选择]The Financier is written by()
A. Mark Twain
B. Henry James
C. William Faulkner
D. Theodore Dreiser

更多"The Financier is written by()"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The Financier is written by ______.
A. Mark Twain
B. Henry James
C. William Faulkner
D. Theodore Dreiser
[单项选择]Punctuation makes the written language intelligible. It does the job, on the page, of the changes of pitch, pace and rhythm which make it possible to understand speech. Unsurprisingly, therefore, a requirement for some knowledge of how to punctuate makes an early appearance in an English curriculum.
The trouble is, that necessary though punctuation is, the task of teaching it to children is considerably more challenging than it might appear. For example, it is possible that to instruct children about writing in sentences by telling them about full stops and capital letters is to court frustration and failure. The notion of the sentence as a statement—a free- standing chunk of information—is something that children come to gradually. As written work grows longer and more complicated, so the perception of sentence increases. Good teachers will, in their teaching of early writing, watch for the child’s ability to compose in sentences, and then point out how the use of punctuation w
A. carelessly written sentences
B. useful in teaching punctuation
C. not incorrect sentences
D. based on grammar
[单项选择]Political platforms are usually written for election campaign purposes, then quickly scrapped after a presidential election. But the 1980 Republican platform bore a simple five-word title: "Family, Neighborhood, Work, Peace, Freedom," and was planned and written with the (62) of creating an agenda for a Reagan administration on Day One, Jan 20, 1981. My signal (63) of Reagan’s first year in ofrice is that we were actually able to (64) to the plan that he insisted we put in place.
(65) with the basic policy framework, Reagan’s was one of the most carefully planned presidential (66) in modern political history, filled with teams of "Reaganauts" dispatched to each department and agency in the days following the election Staffing lists were (67) , and presidential and sub-cabinet appointments were made swiftly, and necessary Senate hearings were (68)
The plan from the outset was to put in place the Reagan economic pro
[单项选择]The oldest preserved manuscripts are those written on papyrus, which were found in Egyptian tombs.
A. protected
B. hidden
C. sought
D. discovered

People usually communicate by spoken and written language, yet they can also communicate without words and this kind of communication often is more important than getting the content of the message across. Body language falls into this category of communication.
Ⅰ. Need for body language
1) When connecting with a person, we have to make it clear how the content of a spoken message needs to be (1) ______.
And how we do this tells something about (2) ______ between people.
2) Often (3) ______ are inadequate for this purpose, and therefore we use body language.
-- e. g. looking someone in the eyes means something different than not looking someone
in the eyes
Ⅱ. Functions and features of body language
1) Body language decides to a large extent (4) ______ of our communication, and therefore we should
-- learn to use our body language for a purpose
-- learn to understand and explain body langua


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