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发布时间:2024-07-28 01:55:54

[单项选择]British "structuralism" linguists believed that elements in a language were ______, that is, lower level systems of word classes led to higher level systems of phrases and sentences.
A. classified
B. rule-governed
C. varied
D. leveled

更多"British 'structuralism' linguists b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]British "structuralism" linguists believed that elements in a language were ______, that is, lower level systems of word classes led to higher level systems of phrases and sentences.
A. classified
B. rule-governed
C. varied
D. leveled
[填空题]The British structuralism considered that language was identified with speech and speech ability was approached through oral practice of______.
[填空题]Some British linguists emphasized the close relationship between the ______ of a language and the context and situation in which the language was used.
[单项选择]American structuralism was very popular and influential in the 1930s and 1940s throughout the world. The two forerunners were ______.
A. Bloomfield and Chomsky
B. Malinowski and Firth
C. Franz Boas and Edward Sapir
D. Halliday and Edward Sapir
[单项选择]Transformational generative linguists believe that every normal human being was born with an LAD. Here LAD is the short form of ______.

Linguists have understood for decades that language and thought are closely related. Humans construct reality using thought and express these thoughts through the use of language. Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Whorf are credited with developing the most relevant explanation outlining the relationship between thought and language, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. The hypothesis consists of two parts, linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism. Supporters of linguistic relativity assume that culture is shaped by language. Terwilliger defines linguistic determinism as the process by which "the functions of one’s mind are determined by the nature of the language which one speaks." In simpler terms, the thoughts that we construct are based upon the language that we speak and the words that we use. In its strongest sense, linguistic determinism can be interpreted as meaning that language determines thought. In its weakest sense, language partially influences th
A. supportive
B. objective
C. suspicions
D. critical

[单项选择]American structuralism started in ______.
A. the early 20th century
B. the late 20th century
C. the early 19th century
D. the late 1930s and 19d0s
[填空题]believed, was believed, were believed, are, was, were What ______ to be aliens from outer space ______ actually several sheep going astray.
[单项选择]Linguists have found that sign languages and spoken languages share many features. Like spoken languages, which use units of sounds to produce words, sign languages use units of form. These units are composed of four basic hand forms: hand shape, such as an open hand or closed fist; hand location, such as on the middle of the forehead or in front of the chest; hand movement, such as upward or downward; and hand orientation, such as the palm facing up or out.
In spoken languages units of sound combine to make meaning. Separately, b, e, and t have no meaning. However, together they form the word bet. Sign languages contain units of form that by themselves hold no meaning, but when combined create a word. Spoken languages and sign languages differ in the way these units combine to make words, however. In spoken languages units of sound and meaning are combined sequentially. In sign languages, units of form and meaning are typically combined simultaneously.
In American Sign L
A. Linguists have found that sign languages and spoken languages differ from each other in many features.
B. Like spoken languages, which use units of form to produce words, sign languages use units of sounds.
C. Separately, b, e, and t have a meaning and together they form the word bet.
D. Spoken languages contain units of form that by themselves hold no meaning, but when combined create a wor
[单项选择]Chomsky holds the position that linguists should study the ______ of the native speaker.
A. linguistic performance
B. linguistic competence
C. communicative performance
D. communicative competence
[单项选择]The linguists of the Prague School distinguished ______from phonetics.
A. morphology
B. lexicology
C. phonology
D. pragmatics


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