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发布时间:2023-10-02 08:01:44

[单项选择]A group was formed to demand that the bus company ______ its unfair practices
A. changes
B. to change
C. be changing
D. should change

更多"A group was formed to demand that t"的相关试题:

[简答题]Arend and Company Limited was formed for the purpose of selling tools of all kinds. It was mentioned in the memorandum as the main object of the company. Arend and Company Limited, (a) took loans to build stocks; (2 marks) (b) repaired tools for profit; (2 marks) (c) gave employees loans to buy cars for personal and official use; (2 marks) (d) ran training courses for customers and others instructing the proper use of tools; and (2 marks) (e) expanded its business to sell refrigerators and air conditioners. (2 marks) Required: Explain whether these activities (a) to (e) would be regarded as ‘ultra vires’. (10 marks)
[单项选择]A company determines that the quantity demand of a product increased by 5 percent when price is reduced by 10 percent. The product’s price elasticity of demand is most accurately described as:()
A. elastic.
B. inelastic.
C. perfectly elastic.
[简答题]Gim and Hom formed an online supply company, IMP Ltd, in 2010 and have been its sole directors since then. The business has never made a profit and has only managed to carry on trading by using its £50,000 overdraft facility with Just Bank plc. In January 2012, IMP Ltd entered into a large deal and by October 2012 it was obvious that it had lost £100,000 on the contract. Gim and Hom treated the loss as merely unfortunate and carried on trading although this meant unilaterally ignoring the limit on their agreed overdraft with Just Bank plc, and delaying the payments on their other outstanding contracts. They justified their decision on the grounds that they could recover all their losses to date from the profits of a new contract. Unfortunately, their optimism was misplaced and the new contract lost an additional £100,000. In February 2014 Gim and Hom applied to have IMP Ltd wound up, owing debts of £250,000. The realisable value of the company’s assets is £10,000. Required:
[简答题] Travelling to Work
Your company’s location in a busy city centre means that staff often complain about the time taken to get to work. You have been asked to make some recommendations.
Discuss and decide together:
· whether it would be better for staff to use public or private transport
· what the effects might be of allowing staff to work flexible hours.
For three candidates
Travelling to Work
Your company’s location in a busy city centre means that staff often complain about the time taken to get to work. You have been asked to make some recommendations.
Discuss and decide together:
· whether it would be better for staff to use public or private transport
· what the effects might be of allowing staff to work flexible hours
· what other measures the company could take to deal with the situation.
Follow-on questions
· Would you be willing to spend a lon
[单项选择]We are concerned with consumer demand, the demand created by the final purchaser of goods.()
A. 我们总是关心消费者的需求,这是一种由商品最终购买者所产生的需求。
B. 我们考虑的是消费者的要求,这是一种由商品的最后一个购买者所提出的要求。
C. 我们担心的是消费者的要求,这种要求产生商品的最终购买者。
D. 我们关注的是消费者的需求,这种需求是由商品的最后购买者引起的。
[简答题]Chemical Oxygen Demand
[名词解释]Speculative demand for money
[简答题]the supply and demand apparatus

Welcome to the Public Bus System. Its bus network operates 365 days of the year and has (1)  that can take you to your destination(目的地) quickly and easily.
You can travel round the city for just $ (2)  a day with Type-A bus tickets. Type-B bus tickets are even (3) . You can get on and off as many times (4) , so you can tour the city at your own pace.
You can buy tickets at most newspaper stands.
If you want to get (5) , call the office of the Public Bus System.

[简答题]Bothepha, Gorata and Onneile formed a partnership six years ago, although Bothepha was a sleeping partner and never had anything to do with running the business. Two years ago the partnership employed Tumelo as its manager and last year Gorata retired from the partnership. Onneile subsequently has left much of the day-to-day work to Tumelo who has let it be known generally that he has become a partner, although he has not. In May of this year Tumelo entered into two large contracts. The first one was with a longstanding customer, Robert, who had dealt with the partnership for some five years. The second contract was with a new customer, Simon. Both believed Tumelo’s claim that he was a partner in the business. Both contracts have gone badly wrong leaving the partnership still owing a total of P900,000 to both Robert and Simon. Unfortunately the business assets will only cover the first P450,000 of the total debt. Required: Explain the potential liabilities of Bothepha, Gorata, Onne
[单项选择]The two advertising agencies formed an alliance to seek ______ to locate potential customers in times of difficulty.
A. innocently
B. suddenly
C. cooperatively
D. needlessly
[简答题]引致需求(derived demand)
[单项选择]She has formed an alliance with Sunlines in order to increase BellAir’s
A. involvement in tourism.
B. profit margins.
C. number of flight.
[简答题]In 2008 George and Hillary formed a private company, Intellect (Pty) Ltd, to develop computer games. They each took 100 shares in the company and each of them became a director of the company. Hillary, a qualified attorney, drew up the articles of association of the company stating that she was to act as the company’s attorney for a period of five years, at a salary of R20,000 per year. George has now discovered that Hillary has secretly been selling some of the newly developed games to another rival company for her own account. He therefore no longer wishes Hillary to act as attorney for Intellect (Pty) Ltd. Required: Advise George on the following: (b) Whether he can take an action against Hillary for the breach of her fiduciary duties. (6 marks)


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