In the United States, older people rarely live with their adult children. But in many other cultures children are expected to care (1) their aged parents. In some parts of Italy, the percentage of adult children who (2) with their parents (3) 65 to 70 percent. In Thailand, too, children are expected to take care of their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live (4) . What explains these differences in living arrangements (5) cultures Modernization theory (6) the extended family household to low levels of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their children in large extended family units for economic reasons. But with modernization, children move to urban areas, leaving old people (7) in (8) rural areas. Yet modernization theory cannot explain why extended family households were never common in the United States or England, or why families in Italy, which is fully modernized, (9) a strong
A. off
B. up
C. around
D. about
阅读下面短文,回答下列问题。 随着一具尸骨的“惊人发现”,围绕老山汉墓的发掘展开了一轮新的推测大战。汉代基本上已没有殉葬,因此骸骨为殉葬者的说法被多数人否定。那么,最大可能性只有两个:一为盗墓者;二为被从棺中拖出的墓主人。从骨架趴在漆案上的姿势看,许多人更愿相信是后者。因为,盗墓者进入墓中却自相残杀或缺氧而最终身埋黄土,这情节太像武侠小说了。由于尸骨缺少右腿小腿骨,左腿的小腿上也少了一节腓骨,媒体一度纷纷报道,猜测其身份的判别将取决于残缺的三块小腿骨会在何处出现。发掘现场总指挥王武珏认为,尸骨肢体不全,应是腐朽所致,而非盗墓者拖动尸体造成的。也有其他专家表示,目前缺失的三节骨头并非人骨最细小的部分,为何腐朽的偏偏是它们 潘其风先生日前曾对这具骸骨的年龄进行了初步判定,认为在35岁至45岁之间。于是有人称这具 1.61米的骸骨很可能是燕刺王刘旦,理由是“这跟刘旦被赐死时年纪相当”;并且,刘旦因谋反被赐死,谥号“刺王”,他的陵墓也被称之为“戾陵”,“刺”和“戾”这两个字都有贬义。《水经注》中有记载,燕刺王刘旦的戾陵在梁山;经考证,专家学者一般认为梁山就是今天老山所属的石景山。此说一出,立即有人惊呼:如果这骸骨真的是刘旦,抑或墓主人是刘旦,老山汉墓都将是“惊世大发现”——不但附近还应有后妃二十余人的墓,而且很可能墓中会出土大量经书杂说、星历数术一类的先秦西汉古籍。据《汉书·武五子传》记载,刘旦死后,“后夫人随旦自杀者二十余人”,而且刘旦“为人博学经书杂说,好星历数术倡优射猎之事”。不过,不止一位专家并不认同,他们指出,刘旦十几岁被封为燕王,从武帝元狩六年至昭帝元风元年,在位共38年之久,他死时年龄应该在50岁左右,那具“年龄初步判定为35岁至45岁”的骸骨应不是刘旦的。中国历史博物馆学术委员会主任余伟超先生明确表示:“这种可能几乎没有。”余老对出土的镀金动物花纹的漆器分析指出,这不是镀金,而是西汉晚期才有的“金银平脱”技术,这项技术在汉武帝、汉昭帝时还没有出现,因此说老山汉墓可能和刘旦毫无关系。徐苹芳先生也从老山汉墓的位 A. 目前尸骨肢体不全的原因,至少有两种可能。 B. 不能完全排斥盗墓者自相残杀而被砍断腿骨遗落他处的可能。 C. 如果缺失的三节骨头是出现在棺与漆案之间,则骸骨的身份判别至少有两种可能。 D. 如果缺失的三节骨头是出现在漆案往出口方向之外,则骸骨的身份判别也至少有两种可能。 [单项选择]In the New York street a small truck hit a big tree. The truck was full of glasses and they were all (41) now. The driver came out of the truck and looked at the broken glasses. He was very (42) . And people in the street were (43) for him.
Then an old man walked to the driver, looked at him for a few (44) and said, "My poor boy, I think you must (45) a lot for it." "Yes, "was the bad answer. "Well, "said the old man," hold out your (46) . Here’s some money for you, and I hope all the people around here will give you (47) ,too. "With these words, he walked away. The driver held out his hat and over a hundred people came and put their money in it. At last the driver (48) a bag and put all the (49) in. Then he looked at the people and said, "Thank you very much. I’m working for that old man and all these (50) are made in his factory. / A. took back B. took out C. took away [单项选择]男,48岁,一年来每于剧烈活动时或饱餐后发作剑突下疼痛,向咽部放射,持续数分钟可自行缓解。2周来发作频繁且有夜间睡眠中发作。2小时来疼痛剧烈,不能缓解,向胸部及后背部放射。伴憋闷,大汗。首选的治疗方法是()
A. 硝酸甘油静脉点滴 B. 溶栓治疗 C. 吗啡皮下注射 D. 肝素静脉点滴 E. 卡托普利口服 [多项选择]维修发动机时,为避免(),一定要远离热金属件
A. 烧伤 B. 烫伤 C. 碰伤 [单项选择]对于没有保温层底制冷设备及管道底外壁,按照规范应涂有不同颜色的漆,例如冷凝器所涂的颜色是()。
A. 淡黄 B. 银灰 C. 大红 [单选题] 第467题下列不属于短路故障查找重点的是( )。
A.导线引流 B.树害 C.外力破坏 D.绝缘子是否击穿 [判断题]遇雷雨天气时,禁止操作隔离开关,严禁带负荷操作隔离开关。 ( )
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