MARKS & N0. |
A.造成就诊人轻度残疾、器官组织损伤导致一般功能障碍的 B.使用不符合国家规定标准的医疗器械,足以严重危害人体健康的 C.非法行医被卫生行政部门行政处罚后,又非法行医的 D.非法行医获利5000元以上的 [判断题]资金管理系统中法人行社发起代理现券买入申请,债券买入成功后,会占用省联社的授信。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于Millard旋转推进法的优缺点,以下说法错误的是()
A. 唇高恢复良好 B. 切除组织少 C. 鼻底封闭好 D. 初学者不易掌握 E. 定点灵活 [判断题]人工开挖作业时,挖掘作业人员之间,横向间距不得小于2m,纵向间距不得小于3m;坑底面积超过2m2时,可由两人同时挖掘,但不得面对面作业。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]火灾发生在有执勤战斗预案的单位或部位,消防人员熟悉现场情况,中队指挥员指挥首车停在前方适合位置后,立即下达( )的命令。
A.准备展开 B.预先展开 C.全面展开 D.部分展开 [填空题]Usually, there are two reasons to pursue scientific knowledge: for the
sake of the knowledge itself, and for the practical use of that knowledge. Because this second aspect of science effects the lives of most people, (53) _____ it is much more familiar than the first. Knowledge must be gained, however, after it can be applied, and often the most important technological (54) _____ advances arise from research pursued for its own sake. Traditionally, new technology has concerned with the construction (55) _____ of machines, structures, and tools in a relatively large scale. The (56) _____ development of materials for building bridges, skyscrapers or highways is an example of this, as it is the development of the internal-combustion (57) _____ [填空题]选择与竞争者相同的市场面,与其一比高低的定位策略叫()。
[判断题]为了降低水平仪本身对测量精度的影响,往往在同一测量点上作正反两次测量,以两次读数的平均值作为该处的水平度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]、下列关于北洋军阀的评述,不正确的一项是( )。
A.北洋军阀是中国近代一支特殊的政治军事力量 B.北洋军阀统治始于清朝末代皇帝宣统退位 C.北洋军阀统治的崩溃是由于国民革命的兴起 D.北洋军阀终结的标志是东北易帜 [单项选择]男,37岁,有乙型肝炎既往史,近2月牙龈出血。查体:肝于右肋下刚扪及,脾左肋下2cm,其他无异常。实验室检查:血红蛋白120g/L,WBC4.5×109/L,Pt40×109/L,骨髓增生活跃,分类及形态正常。其诊断符合()
A. 肝炎后再障 B. 骨髓纤维化 C. 急性白血病 D. 脾功能亢进 E. 原发性血小板减少性紫癜 [单选题]工程上常用的硝铵类炸药有铵梯炸药( )浆状炸药水胶炸药和乳化炸药这几种。
A. 铵油炸药 B.TNT C.黑火药 [多项选择]作为终结性评价的年度评价方案,具体包括()
A. 培训项目评价 B. 培训课程评价 C. 学员培训效果评价 D. 教师工作业绩评价 E. 培训管理评价 [判断题]监控功能是将书房电脑作为家庭娱乐的播放中心,客厅或主卧电视机上播放和显示的内容来源于互联网上海量的音乐资源、影视资源、电视资源、游戏资源信息资源等。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]造成阀门内外泄漏的原因有()、()和()。
A.密封失效 B.阀门内有杂物 C.缺少密封脂 D.阀门内有杂物 [填空题]垄断价格是()与垄断利润之和。
[单选题] 电子商务( )监督机制的构建中,应对监督主体进行界定。
A.法律 B.语法 C.法学 D.规则 [单选题]高风险的设备检维修作业,应安排在()时间段进行
A.白天天气晴好 B.晚上天气晴好 C.沙尘天气 D.阴雨天 [单选题]新生儿寒冷损伤综合征复温至正常的时间为( )
A.1~3 小时 B.4~6 小时 C.6~12 小时 D.12~24 小时 E.36~484 小时 [多选题]商业银行的职能包括()。
A.信用中介 B.支付中介 C.发行中介 D.信用创造 E.金融服务 [判断题]对新购进的钢管应先进行防锈处理,在钢管内壁刷涂两道防锈漆,外壁刷涂防锈漆一道、面漆两道。()
1.若该病人有亲属供肾,最佳供者是( )
A.异卵双生 B.同胞兄妹 C.同卵双生 D.有血缘关系的亲属 [判断题]直达列车按规定的牵引重量和长度由编组站编成,至少通过一个编组站不进行改编的列车。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]距牵引供电设备带电部分不足4m的燃着物体,用水或灭火器灭火时,牵引供电设备无需停电
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]AA002下列属于合金结构钢钢号的是(A)。
A.40Cr B. 605Si2Mn C.ZGMnl3 D. 1Cr18Ni9Ti [单项选择]When will the woman leave
[单项选择]Britain’s east midlands were once the picture of English countryside, alive With flocks, shepherds, skylarks and buttercups--the stuff of fairytales. In 1941 George Marsh left school at the age of 14 to work as a herdsman in Nottinghamshire, the East Midlands countryside his parents and grandparents farmed. He recalls skylarks nesting in cereal fields, which when accidentally disturbed would fly singing into the sky. But in his lifetime, Marsh has seen the color and diversity of his native land fade. Farmers used to grow about a ton of wheat per acre; now they grow four tons. Pesticides have killed off the insects upon which skylarks fed, and year-round harvesting has driven the birds from their winter nests. Skylarks are now rare. "Farmers kill anything that affects production, "says Marsh. "Agriculture is too efficient."
Anecdotal evidence of a looming Crisis in biodiversity is now being reinforced by science. In their comprehensive surveys of plants, butterflies and birds over A. They reported the results of the surveys to the government. B. There were no such comprehensive surveys done before. C. The surveys show there are more plant species extinct. D. Other ecologists will do more surveys based on theirs. [单项选择]在对损益表进行结构分析时,须对损益表进行调整。在毛利润中加上其他业务利润,减去管理费用和财务费用后得出的足( )。
A. 主营业务收入 B. 利润总额 C. 营业利润 D. 净利润 我来回答: 提交