发布时间:2024-03-04 00:17:12

[单项选择]—Here is a piece of paper for you!
—Oh, thanks. It's ( ) for me to write a long letter on.
A. big enough
B. enough big
C. small enough
D. enough small

更多"—Here is a piece of paper for you! "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I wish you were here now so that I can thank you in person.( )
A. wish
B. were
C. can
D. in person
[单项选择]"May I have a piece of paper, please"
"Of course. ______."
A. Give you
B. Here you are
C. You are here
[单项选择]Sam: Oh, I am feeling dizzy now. You know I have just enjoyed much beer. Tracy: Really Don't you know it is a very important party __________ .
A. Behave yourself
B. Mind how you go
C. Mind your own business
D. Watch your back
[单项选择]A: Oh…um…do you mind if I smoke
B: _____.
A: Oh, I didn't notice.
B: Mmm. There's a sign on the door.

W: Can I help you
M: Oh, I’m just looking, thanks. Well, actually, I’m looking for something for my girlfriend.
W: And what sort of thing are you looking for
M: I don’t really know. A dress
W: Right. What color does your girlfriend usually wear
M: Oh, dear…
W: OK, what color are her eyes
M: Green.
W: Right, purple suits people with green eyes. Now, what size is she
M: Um, well, sort of, she isn’t very big, but she’s not particularly small. That’ll be medium then.
W: Well, we have this rather nice silk evening dress here…
M: Good, I’ll take it. Thank you. How much is it
W: That’s 70 pounds, sir. How would you like to pay
M: Seventy By credit card, please.
W: Fine. If you could just sign…
M: Here you are. Goodbye.

Where probably are the speakers()
A. In a store.
B. In a hotel.
C. In a restaurant.

M: What were you doing when Bill got here
M: I was talking to Ed and Fred.

Who came last( ).
A. Bill.
B. The Woman.
C. E
[单项选择]Here's your kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking here. Is there______else that you need
A. Something
B. Anything
C. Nothing
D. Everything
[单项选择]Guest: It's a bit cold here.
Host: Oh, I'm sorry. ______ .
A. Let me turn on the heater.
B. Please take a seat.
C. Let me take the temperature.
D. I feel all right mysel
[单项选择]Here you are. Every morning, you reluctantly return to the same 6x6 cube. You grab a coffee, surf a news site, and chitchat with a peer. Then it’s onto that attack of calls and e-malls coming your way. But the workload doesn’t bother you. Staying busy saves you from something worse. And that something worse happens each month when the promotion announcements come out. You read what your peers have accomplished, here and elsewhere. Reflecting on what you did during that same time, you realize how far you’ve fallen behind. Sometimes you whisper, "That should’ve been me."
Years ago, you marched into this cube dreaming of being a big shot. You didn’t plan to stay here long; it was a place to learn the ropes and build your reputation. Early on, the higher-ups raved about your natural talent and upside. But those qualities only take you so far. Now, you hold a ceremonial "’Senior" title. Your place is secure and you make a decent living. Still, you feel trapped and restless. You follow
A. A square pipe.
B. A kind of computer.
C. A square office.
D. An office desk.
[单项选择]—Hey! Look where you are going
—Oh! I'm terribly sorry. ______.

M: Does this bill belong to you
W: Oh thanks, I’ve just lost five pounds.
M: I’m glad that I’ve found the owner, otherwise I would have to go to the Lost and Found.

Why does the woman thank the man ( )
A. He lent her some money.
B. He gave her a five-pound bill.
C. He returned her money foun
[单项选择]—Do you remember your grandfather —Oh, yes. I remember him quite well. He died when I was about 12. —______ —Oh, yes, I was very fond of him. When I was a boy I used to love listening to the stories he told me.
A. But has he ever left the town
B. But how did they survive
C. So you have memories of him
D. So have you travelled before
[单项选择]-- There is a bad smell here. -- Oh, dear! I ( ) the gas.
A. must forget turning off
B. must forget to turn off
C. must have forgotten turning off
D. must have forgotten to turn off


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