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发布时间:2023-10-20 06:53:34

[单项选择]Which of the following types of profit is most likely the level of accounting profit needed to just cover the implicit opportunity costs ignored in accounting costs()
A. Normal profit.
B. Economic profit.
C. Accounting profit.

更多"Which of the following types of pro"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A set of rules used to select a sample is most likely described as:()
A. sampling plan.
B. sampling error.
C. sample statistic.
[单项选择]Which is most expensive
A. Black.
B. Brilliant Red K-2BP.
C. Brilliant Blue KNR.

61) The earlier type of suburb, which was most dependent on the railroad, had a special advantage that could be fully appreciated only after it had disappeared. These suburbs, spread out along a railroad line, were discontinuous and properly spaced; and without the aid of legislation (法规) they were limited in population as well as area; for the biggest rarely held as many as ten thousand people, and under five thousand was more usual. In 1950, for example, Bronxville, New York, a typical upper-class suburb, had 6,778 people, while Riverside, Illinois, founded as early as 1869, had only 9,153.
62) The size and scale of the suburb, that of a neighborhood unit, was not entirely the result of its open planning, which favored low densities. Being served by a fail road line, with station stops from three to five miles apart, there was a natural limit to the spread of any particular community. 63) House had to be sited "within easy walking distance of the r


W: Good evening. Which evening class would you like to enrol for
M: I’ve been thinking about taking this course in Modern Guitar. Are there any vacancies
W: Well, there are..., nine, the eleven enrolments so far on the list. So that means we’ve got four places left. The class seems to be filling up much more quickly this year. You’ll find the details in this brochure.
M: Will it be starting next week
W: We hope so. It’s due to begin on Tuesday, 7 PM to 9 PM. Shall I put you down We’ll have stopped taking any more names by this evening so if you...
M: Can you tell me where the course is held
W: Oh, it’s in the Main Building, second floor, Room 219, immediately opposite the library. You can’t miss it. There are posters of pop groups all over the wails.
M: I see. And if I do enrol, what will I need for the first lesson
W: Well, you’ll be needing a guitar, of course. That&r

[填空题]Which is the most recent species
[单项选择]Which products are most popular with customers
A. High-end sofas
B. Home furniture
C. Bath and kitchen items
D. Storage and accessories


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