Tests conducted at the University of
Pennsylvania’s Psychological Laboratory showed that anger is one of the most
difficult emotions to detect from facial expression. Professor Dallas E. Buzby
confronted 716 students with pictures of extremely angry persons, and asked them
to identify the emotion from facial expression. Only 2 percent made correct
judgments. Anger was most frequently judged as "pleased." And a typical reaction
of a student with the picture of a man who was hopping mad was to classify his
expression as either "bewildered", "quizzical", or simply "amazed". Other
students showed that it is extremely difficult to tell whether a man is angry or
not just by looking at his face. The investigators found further that women are
better at detecting anger from facial expression than men are. Paradoxically,
they found that psychol A. use adults rather than students as judges B. ask women in fields other than psychology to judge C. ask women rather than men to judge D. ask psychologists to judge [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定,旅客站房的位置要与城市( )相结合,建筑在靠市区居民集中的一侧。
A.规划 B.发展 C.经济 D.人口 [判断题](1分)经营本地电话业务和移动电话业务的电信业务经营者,应全面建立公开、公平的电话号码用户选择机制。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]需要上跨、下穿铁路线路修建立交桥涵、道路、地铁和各类管线等工程应报铁路局集团公司批准后按相关规定实施。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述服装外形构成的基本要素?
[多项选择]下列景点中,属于国家重点文物保护单位的有( )
A. 苏州环秀山庄 B. 南京堂子街壁画 C. 扬州何园 D. 泰州梅兰芳故园 E. 镇江英国领事馆旧址 [单选题]电磁操动机构是利用( )产生的机械操作力矩使开关完成合闸的。
A.电动力 B.电磁功 C.弹簧力 [判断题]用敞车装载散装生石灰、磷灰粉(土)车辆应编挂于乘坐旅客车辆前部。装有高出车帮易于窜动货物的敞、平、砂石车与乘坐旅客的车辆至少隔离3辆。
[判断题]455.冻结地区解冻后,不需要对脚手架进行检查。( ) 需要
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列除哪项外,均为胸痹的治疗法则()
A. 活血化瘀 B. 辛温通阳 C. 豁痰泻热 D. 培补阳气 E. 滋阴润肺 [判断题]低温罐车(液化天然气、液化乙烯、液化丙烯、液化 乙烷、液化丙烷等)发生事故,无论罐体是否泄漏,严禁 射水,防止低温液体通过内罐沙眼渗漏,喷射的常温水加 速低温液体气化,破坏罐体夹层真空绝热保护,导致罐体 破裂,造成罐内大量低温液体泄漏,并迅速气化形成爆炸 性混合气体。如操作箱发生火灾,应果断水封切割灭火, 再釆取倒罐转输、放空排险、引流控烧措施,防止罐体过 热,导致失去真空绝热保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公司职工所驾驶私家车和外单位人员机动车辆凭《地铁大厦停车证》进出基地,总公司车辆凭《基地车辆通行证》。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]院长担任审判长时的回避,由审判委员会决定;审判人员的回避,由院长决定;其他人员的回避,由审判长决定。当事人对决定不服的,可以申请复议( )。
A.¤ B.两次 C.三次 D.一次 [多项选择]慢性双分支阻滞植入起搏器的Ⅰ类适应证有()
A. 伴有高度AVB或一过性三度AVB的慢性双分支阻滞 B. 伴有一度AVB无症状的双分支阻滞 C. 无临床症状,但电生理检查发现H-V间期≥100ms D. 伴有二度Ⅱ型AVB的慢性双分支阻滞 E. 伴有交替性束支阻滞的慢性双分支阻滞 我来回答: 提交