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发布时间:2023-10-12 02:01:16

[单项选择]We should always bear in mind that ( ) decisions often result in serious consequences.
A. emergent
B. urgent
C. spontaneous
D. hasty

更多"We should always bear in mind that "的相关试题:

[单项选择]We should always bear in mind that decisions often result in ______conclusions.
A. urgent
B. instant
C. prompt
D. hasty
[单项选择]We should always bear in mind that______ decisions often result in serious consequences.

A. urgent
B. instant
C. prompt
D. hasty
[单项选择]We should always bear in mind that ______ decisions often result in serious consequences.

A. urgent
B. instant
C. prompt
D. hasty
[单项选择]We should always bear in mind that _________ decisions often result in serious consequences.

A. urgent
B. instant
C. prompt
D. hasty
[单项选择]We should bear in mind that" It's easier ______ than to do."
A. said
B. to say
C. saying
D. to be said
[单项选择]We should always keep in mind that ______ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.

A. hasty
B. instant
C. prompt
D. rapid
[单项选择]Employees working in the hotel should bear in mind that they can never be too polite to the guests.()
A. 旅馆的工作人员应以忍字为本,对客人越礼貌越好。
B. 旅馆的工作人员都应牢记在心:对客人再礼貌都不为过。
C. 旅馆员工工作时都应以忍字为本,决不可对客人过于礼貌。
D. 旅馆员工工作时都应时刻铭记:决不可对客人过于礼貌。
[单项选择]Bear in mind that when you use onetime income to meet recurring (重复的)expenses, you’re likely headed for trouble down the road. And if you’re splurging(乱花钱,挥霍金钱) out of frustration or some misguided notion that you will help rescue the economy, think again. Spending to feel better is a temporary fix and usually just buries you further and makes you feel all the worse later on. Think about how you spent your refund last year. Wish you had the money back As for the economy, that’s not your responsibility and it will actually do better in the long fun if you save and invest. So cut costs and live within your means, and use your refund for a onetime fix.
One may get into trouble further if
A. he saves and invests.
B. he splurges out of frustration.
C. he thinks twice before spending.
D. he helps the economy recover.
[单项选择]We should always make sure that we control technology rather than have it control us.
A. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术而不是让技术控制我们。
B. 我们应该确保由我们来技术控制更愿意让技术控制我们。
C. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术不愿意让它控制我们。
D. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术比让技术控制我们要好。
[单项选择]One should always keep in mind the old truth "First impressions are lasting".()
A. 人们应当永远把这个古老的真理记在心中,即“先人为主”。
B. 人们应当经常记住这样一句俗语——“先人为主”。
C. 人们应当永远记住这样一句俗语——“一见钟情”。
D. 人们应当经常记住“一见钟情”这个古老的法则。
[单项选择]One should always keep in mind the old truth“First impressions are lasting.”

A. 人们应当永远把这个古老的真理记在心中,即“先人为主”。
B. 人们应当经常记住这样一句俗语:“先人为主”。
C. 人们应当永远记住这样一句俗语:“ 一见钟情”。
D. 人们应当经常记住“一见钟情”这个古老的法则。

你必须记住,如果你失去信心,你就没有更多的东西可以失去了(bear in mind)

[简答题]Passage Two What you’ve always heard We’re eating way too much salt. The average American gets about 3.4 grams of sodium every day, far more than the upper limit of 2. 3 grams recommended by the USDA. The Institute of Medicine estimates that reducing sodium intake (摄取量) nationwide could prevent 100,000 deaths every year. The headlines now It’s time to get tough. The New York City health department recently kicked off a national effort to cut the amount of salt in packaged and restaurant food by 25% over five years. 80% of the salt in the average person’s diet comes from those sources, not from the sahshaker (盐瓶). But wait! The benefits of salt reduction are surprisingly mruky. At least 13 studies have tried to find out what happens to people who choose to eat salty or not-so-salty food--and the results have pointed in eve~3~ direction. Sonre studies suggest that cutting salt protects the heart; others suggest that intense sa
A. A.is within the healthy range
B.is a bit over the upper limit
C.is far beyond what is necessary
D.is well below the lower limit

[单项选择]We have to bear certain expenses for the transfer of your technology

A. 对贵方转让的技术,我方须承担一定的费用。
B. 我们不得不为你方的技术交流付出一定代价。
C. 我们不得不承担一定的费用因为你方技术的转移。
D. 为了将知识传输给你们,我们不得不但负一定费用。


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