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发布时间:2023-12-13 20:34:36

[单项选择]Roger Clement, CFA, is a public fund manager at Morgan Capital and does research about z-value. The first step for Clement in the process of standardizing a random variable from a given normal distribution to obtain the zvalue is:()
A. to subtract the population mean from the observation obtained.
B. to multiple the observation obtained by the reliability factor assumed.
C. to divide the population mean by the standard deviation.

更多"Roger Clement, CFA, is a public fun"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Cristiano Ronaldo, CFA, is a mutual fund portfolio manager at Bengal International Investment. The fund is focused on the global financial services sector. According to the Standards of Professional Conduct relating to Duties to Employers, which of the following statements is most accurate If Ronaldo leaves Bengal Intemational Investment to join Jason Investment Management Corporation, a competitor of Bengal, all of his research records:()
A. can be recreated at Jason from his memory, provided no records are taken from Bengal.
B. are the property of Bengal and cannot be taken without Bengal's permission.
C. may be taken to Jason,provided he is the sole author of the research.
[单项选择]Rejesh Sekar, CFA, is a successful hedge fund manager and uses fundamental and technical statistical models to select stocks for his fund. When Bill Mandeville, a client asks him about the indicators underlying his models, Sekar tells Mandeville that his method is confidential but is proven to provide future returns similar to its strong past performance. Sekar has most likely violated the Standards of Professional Conduct:()
A. only relating to performance presentation.
B. only relating to communication with clients and prospective clients.
C. both relating to performance presentation and communication with clients and prospective clients.
[单项选择]Gus Hayden, CFA, has developed a mutual fund selection product based on historical information from 2000-2010 period and performs a hypothesis test about performances of different styles. In order to minimize the probability of both Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅱ error, Hayden should increase the:()
A. the power of a test.
B. level of significance.
C. sample size.
[简答题]Roger 病

Wesley Whitcomb, CFA, participated as a CFA examination grader in 2012. Prior to participating in grading CFA examinations, Whitcomb was required to sign a CFA Institute Grader Agreement drafted by CFA Institute stating that graders are not to reveal or discuss the exam materials with anyone except CFA Institute staff and other graders. Several weeks after the conclusion of the CFA exam grading, Whitcomb returns to his office and is having dinner with several colleagues some of who are the Level Ⅲ candidates in the CFA Program. One of the candidates mentions that he is very disappointed about his examination this time and afraid of failing for the exam because he unintentionally made a calculation mistake when answering the first essay question of investment policy statement. Whitcomb responds by telling the candidate that he was a grader for the 2012 examination and that it would be unfortunate if the candidate did give wrong answer to that question because most candidates scored
A. A
B. B
C. C

[单项选择]Roger: Hi, Frank.
Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn't it
Roger: ______. Lots of food and drinks!
A. It is real
B. It sure is
C. It is certain
D. It must be
[单项选择]Neil Barton, CFA, and Nancy Roberts, CFA, began a joint research report on Stamp Corporation. Nancy spent several days visiting Stamp’s corporate headquarters and meeting with all company officers. Prior to the completion of the report, Nancy was reassigned to another project. Nell utilized his and Nancy’s research to write the report. According to the CFA Institute Standards of practice Handbook, did Nell violate any CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct()
A. No.
B. Yes, with respect to misrepresentation.
C. Yes, with respect to independence and objectivity.
[单项选择]Roger: Hi, Frank.
Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn't it
Roger: ______. Lots of food and drinks!
A. It is real
B. It sure is
C. It is certain
D. It must be
[简答题]International Monetary Fund
[多项选择]获得CFA证书需要通过三级考试,其中,CFA一级要求( )。
A. 掌握财务分析
B. 掌握宏观/微观经济学
C. 掌握数理统计的基本理论
D. 运用所学到的金融理论,比较并推荐最合理的投资工具
[多项选择]获得CFA证书需要通过三级考试,其中,CFA一级要求掌握( )。
A. 财务分析
B. 宏渺微观经济学
C. 数理统计的基本理论
D. 运用所学到的金融理论,比较并推荐最合理的投资工具

Public officials and candidates for public office routinely use public opinion polls to keep track of what the people are thinking. An important question is the degree to which these polls should guide leaders in their actions. There are arguments for and against the use of polls as the basis for policy decisions.
Polls can contribute to effective government by keeping political leaders from getting too far out of line with the public’s thinking. In a democratic society, the effectiveness of a public policy often dep. ends on the extent of its public support. When a policy is contrary to the public’s desires, people may choose to disregard or undermine it, thus making it counterproductive or inefficient. Further, when government pursues a course of action with which a large proportion of the public disagrees, it risks a loss of public confidence, which can have a negative effect on its ability to lead. The Reagan administration, flying high from 1981 to 1985 ,
A. Reagan lost a lot of support late in his administration
B. leaders should learn to win support for their policies
C. it is up to the leaders to determine the value of public opinion
D. public opinion polls are very important to a democratic society

[单项选择] Public Relations   Public relations is a broad set of planned communications about the company, including publicity releases, designed to promote goodwill and a favorable image.   Publicity then is part of public relations when it is initiated by the firm, usually in the (51) of press releases or press conferences. Since public relations involves communications with stockholders, financial analysts, government officials, and other noncustomer groups, it is usually (52) outside the marketing department, perhaps as a staff department or outside consulting firm reporting to top management. This organizational placement can be a (53) because the public relations department or consultant will likely not be in line with marketing efforts. Poor communication and no coordination can be the (54). Although the basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence (55) the public image, this influence generally may be less than (56) provided by t
A. tradition
B. contrast
C. nature
D. point


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