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发布时间:2023-12-10 05:46:43

[单项选择]Once the sands have run out of a person's hourglass, they cannot be replaced.( )
A. If a person's clock goes wrong, nobody can repair it.
B. Once an hour is gone, it will never come back to us.
C. Time is as precious as sands in an hourglass.
D. Sands can easily run out of an hourglass.

更多"Once the sands have run out of a pe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We always keep () spare paper, in case we run out.
A. too much
B. a number of
C. plenty of
D. a good many
[单项选择]The recipe said to use butter, but as we'd run out we had to _________ with margarine.

A. make do
B. do away
C. do up
D. make up
[单项选择]A. Time can run out. B. Tomorrow won’t be better. C. Ideas need time to develop. D. Your professor will be impatient. E. You blow off your chances for help. F. You are probably overestimating (高估) the pain. Never Put off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today Want to put off studying for the physics test Or writing that thirty-five-page research paper on future uses of biotechnology Sure you do And who wouldn’t But it’s still a silly idea to put off doing something until a future time. Here is why .... 61. __________ The task will be still the same. It won’t be any more fun and you still won’t want to do it. As the deadline gets closer and closer, the task seems to become larger and larger if you haven’t started the work. And the stress increases. Now not only do you have to write that paper, you have to do it under great pressure. 62. __________ Before you start, it seems that the task is unlikely to be accomplished. But you know what You’re p
[单项选择]—I’ve run out of cash. Cold you lend me a few pounds this evening ——_____ I’ll just have to find time to get to the bank and make a withdraw.
A. I can lend you some now.
B. I’m not sure I’ve got any either.
C. Sorry, I haven’t got a penny in my account.
D. My credit card must be left home.

Traditionally, universities have carried out two main activities: research and teaching. Many experts would argue that both these activities play a critical role in serving the community. The fundamental question, however, is: how does the community want or need to be served
In recent years universities have been coming under increasing pressure from both the governments, and the public to ensure that they do not remain "ivory towers"(象牙塔) of study separated from the realities of everyday life. University teachers have been encouraged, and in some cases constrained(强逼), to provide more courses which produce graduates with the technical skills required for the commercially useful purpose. If Aristotle wanted to work in university in the UK today, he would have a good chance of teaching computer science but would not be so readily employable as a philosopher.
A postindustrial society requires large numbers of computer programmers, engineers, manage
A. education should serve the social needs
B. it is advisable for today's philosophers to know computer science
C. such abstract subjects as philosophy is no longer useful
D. universities in the UK have produced too many good for nothing graduates

[单项选择]Two more teams have dropped out of the league.
A. have promenaded down
B. have reprimanded for
C. have left permanently
D. have been absent
[填空题]I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this_________________(许多夫妻都一样).
[单项选择]I have been out very often lately, and so would rather ______ at home this week.

A. be stayed
B. staying
C. to stay
D. stay
[单项选择]We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ______.
A. face
B. reality
C. practice
D. deed


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