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发布时间:2023-11-12 02:50:50

[单项选择]An analyst does research about an forward rate agreement (FRA). FRA 3×12 means the maturity is:()
A. 3 month and is based on a 6-month underlying rate.
B. 3 month and is based on a 9-month underlying rate.
C. 9 month and is based on a 3-month underlying rate.

更多"An analyst does research about an f"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An analyst does research about a forward rate agreement (FRA). An investor who takes a long poison in a forward rate agreement (FRA) on a 60-day Euribor that expires in 90 days is most likely to:()
A. monitor the underlying rates complied in Frankfurt.
B. be impacted by underlying rates in effect two months from now.
C. benefit if the underlying rates decrease.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about compounding rate of return and gathers the following information.
Bank Stated Annual Rate Frequency of Compounding
1 3.45% Quarterly
2 3.21% Continuous
The effective annual rate for Bank 2 is:()
A. less than the effective annual rate for Bank 1.
B. the same as the effective annual rate for Bank 1.
C. greater than the effective annual rate for Bank 1.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about interest rate policy tools. In implementing monetary policy, which of the statements is NOT used as an interest rate policy by the U. S. Federal Reserve()
A. Bank reserve requirements.
B. The prime rate.
C. Verbal persuasion to influence how banks supply credit to businesses and consumers.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about required rate of return. With respect to an investor's required rate of return, those components included in the nominal riskfree rate of return will most likely:
A. affect all of the investments.
B. be relatively constant over time.
C. affect the yield spread between government securities and corporate securities.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about interest rate risk. The duration of a bond with $1000 face value is 4.5, and its current price is $990. Which of the following is the best estimate of the bond price change if interest rates increase by 3%()
A. -$133.65
B. -$135.00
C. $133.65
[单项选择]An analyst does research about internal rate of return and gathers the information about several venture capital projects. If the analyst decreases the hurdle rate for a venture capital project, the project's internal rate of return most likely:()
A. decreases.
B. remains the same.
C. increases.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about forward products. Which of the following statements is the most effective way to terminate a forward contract prior to expiration()
A. One party of the forward contract closes the position with a local exchange.
B. One party of the forward contract closes the position with the same counterparty.
C. One party of the forward contract closes the position with the other counterparty with AAA credit rating.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about money-weighted rate of return and time-weighted rate of return. On 30 June 2010, an investor opened an account with $1000000. The account experienced the following activity over the next two years:
Date Withdrawals Net Ending Balance
30 June 2011 $471000 $451000
30 June 2012 $499900
As of 30 June 2012, the investor's money-weighted rate of return and timeweighted rate of return:()
A. are both positive.
B. are both negative.
C. have different signs.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about time-weighted rate of return and moneyweighted rate of return. If an investor makes an initial deposit into a new account, without any other deposits or withdrawals before closing the account, the investor's money-weighted rate of return when closing the account will be:()
A. less than the investor's time-weighted rate of return.
B. equal to the investor's time-weighted rate of return.
C. greater than the investor's time-weighted rate of return.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about price-discount rate relationship. With respect to the price-discount rate relationship, which of the following statements is least accurate()
A. The shape of the price-discount rate relationship for an option-free bond is referred as negative convex.
B. If the discount rate rises, the price of a putable bond declines by less than the price of an option-free bond.
C. If the discount rate falls, the price of acallable bond increases by less than the price of an option-free bond.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about a floating rate securities. All else being equal, the price of a floating-rate security is most likely to react in the same way to changes in market interest rates as a fixed-rate coupon bond if market rates:()
A. increase between coupon reset dates.
B. are substantially below the floating rate security's cap rate.
C. are substantially above the floating rate security's cap rate.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about a forward agreement (FRA). A FRA is referred to as a 3×9. The terms of the agreement are a:()
A. 3-month rate and a 6-month expiration.
B. 3-month rate and a 9-month expiration.
C. 6-month rate and a 3-month expiration.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about spot and forward rate. The 4-year spot rate is 9.45%, and the 3-year spot rate is 9.85%. What is the l-year forward rate 3 years from today()
A. 8.3%
B. 8.7%
C. 9.4%
[单项选择]An analyst is doing research about a floating-rate security and its price change. All else being equal, under what condition, the price of a floating-rate security is most likely to react in the same way to changes in market interest rates as a fixed-rate coupon bond()
A. Market rates increase between coupon reset dates.
B. Market rates are substantially below the floating rate security's cap rate.
C. Market rates are substantially above the floating rate security's cap rate.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about relationship between duration and actual price. An option-free bond having the duration of 8, if yields decrease by 100 basis point, the actual price of the bond will:()
A. increase by more than 8%.
B. increase by less than 8%.
C. decrease by more than 8%.


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