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发布时间:2023-11-15 01:50:04

[单项选择]______from the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror.
A. Seeing
B. Having seen from
C. To see
D. Seen

更多"______from the top of the hill, the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]______from the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror.
A. Seeing
B. Having seen from
C. To see
D. Seen
[单项选择]______ from the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror.
A. Seeing
B. Having seen
C. To see
D. Seen
[填空题](See) ______ from the top of the hill, the village is very beautiful.
[单项选择]Sound waves reflected from a hill can be used to estimate______.

A. height of the hill
B. speed of sound
C. distance of the hill
D. intensity of sound
[单项选择]Sound waves reflected from a hill can be used to calculate the______.

A. Speed of sound
B. time between a sound and ifs echo
C. height of the hill
D. distance of the hill
[单项选择]Whenever we come to stay with them, we just live like fighting cocks.
A. 在争吵中度日
B. 吃不到任何好东西
C. 吃得到最好的东西
D. 自由自在
[单项选择]Stone Hill Mall is different from other mails because it has ______.

A. more large department stores
B. more empty space to rent
C. many shops selling special goods
D. shops selling expensive goods
[单项选择]The world's largest freshwater lake is Lake
A. Superior
B. Ontario
C. Huron
D. Michigan
[单项选择]Lake Erie is linked to Lake Ontario by the Niagara River.( )
A. connected to
B. turned into
C. emptied into
D. diverted to
[单项选择]The Heathrow Lake is larger than the Gatwick Lake.


Woman: I’ve just been reading through your last project report.
Man: I hope you didn’t find much wrong in it.( )

A. On the contrary
B. On the other hand
C. Don't forget
D. Don't be silly
[单项选择]The deepest lake in Canada is
[单项选择]Passage 3
The blue, mystic Lake Ellsinore lies in an inland California valley, which is teeming and steaming with hot springs. Rimmed by shaggy mountains whose forested crests are reflected in its clear waters, Lake Ellsinore is the very personification of peace--but on it rests the curse of Tondo.
The lake had a colorful history. Much of it lies buried in legend, and it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. There have been stories of underground volcanoes on the lake bottom, erupting, killing fish and discoloring the water. There have been stories of a playful sea serpent that lived in its depths.
Long noted for its scenic beauty and health-giving waters, the lake was a famous resort in the Nineties. But long before the first white man had set foot along the shore of the lake, this part of California had been the home of the Sobo
A. spell of bad luck
B. hot air current
C. strange tranquility
D. storm of unusual duration


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