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发布时间:2024-07-29 00:38:11

[单项选择]Anyone breaking the roles will be asked to leave( )
A. at the spot
B. on the spot
C. for the spot
D. in the spot

更多"Anyone breaking the roles will be a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Anyone breaking the roles will be asked to leave ______.
A. at the spot
B. on the spot
C. for the spot
D. in the spot
[单项选择]Was it because he was ill ____ he asked for leave
A. so
B. when
C. why
D. that
[填空题]They are asked (leave) ______ before the boss comes back.

[单项选择]The police ______ asked that anyone who saw the accident should get in touch with
A. have; them
B. has; him
C. have; him
D. has; them
[单项选择]Plato asked "What is man" and St Augustine asked "Who am I" A new breed of criminals has a novel answer: "I am you!" Although impostors have existed for ages, the growing frequency and cost of identity theft is worrisome. Around 10m Americans are victims annually, and it is the leading consumer-fraud complaint over the past five years. The cost to businesses was almost $ 50 billion, and to consumers $ 5 billion, in 2002, the most recent year that America’s Federal Trade Commission collected figures.
After two recent, big privacy disasters, people and politicians are calling for action. In February, ChoicePoint, a large data-collection agency, began sending out letters warning 145,000 Americans that it had wrongly provided fraudsters with their personal details, including Social Security numbers. Around 750 people have already spotted fraudulent activity. And on February 25th, Bank of America revealed that it lost data tapes that contain personal information on over 1m government
A. ChoicePoint is an agency that is responsible for the information leakage.
B. ChoicePoint is an agency where Social Security numbers are kept.
C. Personal information is most unsafe with Bank of America.
D. The loss of data tapes in Bank of America is a case of identity theft.
[填空题]So we asked our friends to help us.
So we asked our friends ______ ______.

[单项选择]Constructive team roles include ().
A. encourager, initiator, and gatekeeper
B. information giver, devil's advocate, and clarifier
C. withdrawer, harmonizer, and blocker
D. summarizer, recognition seeker, and information seeker

How are the family roles changed
The dependent parents are cared for as ff they were ().

[单项选择]Water transport today plays two main roles in travel and tourism: ( ).
A. training and ferrying
B. ferrying and mending
C. cruising and training
D. ferrying and cruising
[填空题]Interview Information
The interviewer asked interviewee some information about her family and family size, etc.
1 Her husband works in a factory, earning $ (1) a month.
2 She has (2) children, (3) boys and one girl.
3 The oldest boy is (4) the youngest daughter is four and a half.
[单项选择]Jake asked me ()
A. how do you like my new house
B. how I like his new house
C. how do I like his new house
D. how you like my new house
[简答题]In relation to company law, explain the roles and duties of directors. (10 marks)
[单项选择]I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level.()
A. I can see the true colours of the person however nice he claims to be in society.
B. I know what the other person is deep down no matter how he presents himself.
C. I see through the other person no matter what he appears to be in public.
D. I can see the other person beyond his status and image.


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