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发布时间:2023-10-30 05:44:24

[单项选择]If the diameter of a circle is 14, then the area of the circle is ().
A. 7π
B. 14π
C. 28π
D. 49π
E. 196π

更多"If the diameter of a circle is 14, "的相关试题:

[单项选择]If the area of a circle is 81π, then the diameter of the circle is ().
A. 9
B. 18
C. 36
D. 9π
E. 18π
[单项选择]Tariffs may () on commodities leaving an area or on merchandise entering an area.
A. levy
B. be levied
C. effect
D. be effected
[简答题]cerebral arterial circle
A. lathe : smoothness
B. rarefy : density
C. contract : temperature
D. compress : size
E. bifurcate: separation
[单项选择]In this remote area ______ with a limited number of sheep and cattle.

A. can only a small farm be found
B. a small farm can only be found
C. only could be a small farm found
D. could only be found a small farm
[简答题]【说明】 源程序中定义了Circle类与Money类,Circle类可对半径为r的圆进行周长与面积的计算,而Money类用于计算一圆形游泳池的造价。游泳池四周有原形过道,过道外围上栅栏,过道宽度为3米,根据键入的游泳池半径,每米栅栏价格及每平方米过道价格,即可计算出游泳池的造价。请按要求完成下列操作,将程序补充完整。 ①定义符号常量PI(值为3.14159f)与WIDTH(值为3.00f),分别用于表示圆周率与过道的固定宽度。 ②定义Circle类默认构造函数,把私有成员radius初始化为参数r的值。 ③完成Money类默认构造函数的定义,把私有成员FencePrice(每米栅栏的价格)、ConcretePrice(每平方米过道的价格)初始化为参数f,c的值。 ④完成Money类成员函数float Money::TotalMoney(float fencelen,float conarea)的定义,根据参数fencelen(栅栏的长度)和conarea(过道的面积),返回栅栏与过道的总造价。 注意:除在指定位置添加语句之外,请不要改动程序中的其他内容。 源程序文件test4.cpp清单如下: #include<iostream.h> (1) class Circle { private: float radius; public: (2) float Circumference( ){return 2 * P| * radius;} float Area( ){return P|*radius * radius;} }; class Money { private: float FencePrice; float ConcretePrice; public: Money(float f,float c); float Tota|Money(float fencelen, float conarea); }; Money::Money(float f,float c) { (3) } float Money::Tota|Money(float fencelen, flo
[单项选择]The author believes that a vicious circle can turn into a virtuous circle when ______.

[单项选择]In a traditionally drawn decision tree, a circle represents ().
A. a chance to which no estimated monetary value can be assigned so that a likely pay-off can not be shown
B. a decision to which no estimated monetary value can be assigned so that a likely pay-off can not be shown
C. a chance to which an estimated monetary value may be assigned to calculate the most likely pay-off
D. a decision to which an estimated monetary value may be assigned to calculate the most likely pay-off
[简答题]If a circle is one, how many is an octagon
On your answer sheet, circle and black out the letter that best answers the questions below.
Passage One
Obviously, the per capita income of a country depends on many things, and any statistical test that does not take account of all important determinants is misspecified, and thus must be used only for descriptive and heuristic purposes. It is nonetheless interesting--and for many people surprising--to find that there is a positive and even a statistically significant relationship between these two variables: the greater the number of people per square kilometer the higher the per capita income.
The law of diminishing returns is not invariably true. It would be absurd to suppose that a larger endowment of land ipso facto makes a country poorer. This consideration by itself would, of course, call for a negative sign on population den
A. for reasons of English language style.
B. because of personal reason of style.
C. in order to highlight their importance.
D. to help the reader avoid confusion.
[单项选择]Because a circle has no beginning or end, the wedding ring is a symbol of ( ) love.
A. extravagant
B. prominent
C. prescient
D. eternal
[单项选择]Since a circle has no beginning or end, the wedding ring is accepted as a symbol of ______ love.
A. successive B. consecutive C. eternal D. insistent


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