Centuries ago, man discovered that
removing moisture from food helps to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do
this is to expose the food to sun and wind. In this way the North American
Indians produce pemmican, the Scandinavians make stockfish and the Arabs dry
dates and apricot leather. All foods contain water-cabbage and other leaf vegetables contain as much as 93% water, potatoes and other root vegetables 80%, lean meat 75% and fish anything from 80% to 60% depending on how fatty it is. If this water is removed, the activity of the bacteria that cause food to deteriorate is checked. Fruit is sun-dried in Asia Minor, Greece, Spain and other Mediterranean countries, and also in California, South Africa and Australia. The methods used vary, but in general, the fruit is spread out on trays in drying yards in the hot sun. In A. By passing through a grinding machine. B. In the same way as vegetables and fish. C. With the help of the small and coarse flakes. D. Through pouring it over a heated horizontal cylinder. [单选题]Internet网络的通讯协议是( )。
A.HTTP B.TCP C.IP× D.TCP/IP [多选题]井下作业应按起下管柱、()四种工况进行防喷演习,并做好防喷演习记录。在各次开钻前(一开除外)、特殊作业(取心、测试、完井作业等)前,都应进行防喷演习,达到合格要求。
A.旋转作业 B.大直径 C.空井 D.起下特殊管柱 [单选题]BI002 水处理置换用( ),正洗用( A )。
A.软化水 生水 B.生水 软化水 C.软化水 软化水 D.生水 生水 [多选题]暑期,站、车客运人员值班时,可不戴帽子。但( )在执行职务时必须戴大沿帽。
A.站长 B.客运主任 C.值班员 D.列车长 [单项选择]( )是法律赋予每个公民的权利和义务,是每个热爱社会主义祖国的公民义不容辞的政治责任和社会责任。
A. 保卫国家安全 B. 维护社会治安 C. 同刑事犯罪作斗争 D. 同违法犯罪作斗争 [单选题]51.PSY20移动式消防炮俯仰角是度。
A.+30~+70 B.+20~+70 C.+30~+80 D.+45~+80 [判断题]《化工企业厂区动火作业安全规程》(HC30010-2013)将动火作业分为一级动火作业、二级动火作业、三级动火作业三类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]成人骨折后,骨的修复主要依靠( )。
A.骺软骨 B.骨膜,骨髓 C.骨细胞 D.骨密质 [单项选择]如果采用滚装船或集装箱运输时,则应采用()
A. FCA贸易术语 B. FOB贸易术语 C. CIF贸易术语 D. CFR贸易术语 [单选题]患者,女,46岁。持续低热,暮热早凉,形瘦,手足蠕动,舌绛无苔,脉细数。此证属于( )。
A.厥阴病证 B.阳明病证 C.少阴病证 D.营分病证 E.血分病证 [单选题]用于测量流量的导压管线,阀门组回路中,当负压侧阀门或导压管泄漏时,仪表指示( )。
A.偏低 B.偏高 C.超量程 D.跑零下 [判断题]以边贴现边查询方式办理贴现的客户必须满足的条件之一是年销售收入不低于5000万元
[判断题]人民法院审理行政案件, 依法需要实行合议、 回避、 公开审判和 两审终审制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]站线道岔与曲线或道岔与其连接曲线之间的直线段长度不应小于( )m。
A.4.5 B.5 C.5.5 D.6 E.7 F.7.5 [单项选择]干粉用于消毒排泄物的是()
A. 碘酊 B. 过氧乙酸 C. 戊二醛 D. 漂白粉 E. 乙醇 我来回答: 提交