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发布时间:2024-07-10 19:59:20

[单项选择]Clothes worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of the fashion.
A. 衣服因为穿过几次就变得不时髦了。
B. 因为气候的改变,衣服几乎没穿就送人了。
C. 因为款式改变,衣服没怎么穿就被放在一边了。
D. 因为流行款式的改变,仅穿过几次的衣服也只好搁置在一边了。

更多"Clothes worn only a few times have "的相关试题:

[简答题]Questions 41-50 There are only a few clues in the rock record about climate in the Proterozoic con. Much of our information about climate in the more recent periods of geologic historycomes from the fossil record, because we have a reasonably good understanding of Line the types of environment in which many fossil organisms flourished. The scarce fossilsof the Proterozoic, mostly single-celled bacteria, provide little evidence in this regard.However, the rocks themselves do include the earliest evidence for glaciation, probablya global ice age. The inference that some types of sedimentary rocks are the result of glacial activity is based on the principle of uniformitarianism, which posits that natural processes nowat work on and within the Earth operated in the same manner in the distant past. Thedeposits associated with present-day glaciers have been well studied, and some of theircharacteristics are quite distinctive. In 2.3-billion-year-old rocks in Canada near LakeHuro
A. A.How patterns in rock layers have been used to construct theories about the climate of the Proterozoic age
B.What some rare fossils indicate about glacial conditions during the late Proterozoic age
C.The varying characteristics of Proterozoic glacial varves in different parts of the world
D.The number of glacial episodes that the Earth has experienced since the Proterozoic age

[单项选择]Only a few students () through the final examination.
A. breezed
B. ran
C. saw
D. went
[单项选择]A number of theories have been put forward about the possible causes of cancer.
A. 理论上早巳预言了癌症的病因。
B. 人们就造成癌症的病因提出了不少理论。
C. 大量的理论已经用于解释引发癌症的原因。
D. 人们已用大量理论来研究癌症的原因。
[单项选择]Such a proposal must have been put forward by people with limited ______.
A. overview
B. overlook
C. outline
D. outlook
[单项选择]Too bad I missed the early train ( ) only a few minutes!
A. by
B. in
C. at
D. after
[单项选择]We have to put up with her behavior.
A. tolerate    
B. accept      
C. swallow     
D. take
[单项选择]You have to put on a new suit and make yourself look ______.
A. respectable
B. respectful
C. respecting
D. respective
[单项选择]Too bad I missed the early train ______ only a few minutes!
[单项选择]EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY A. You only have to get in. B. You have to go out that way even if there is no emergency. C. You aren't allowed to go out that way except emergency.


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