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发布时间:2024-07-06 01:10:24

[单项选择]The European discovery of Canada can be traced back to the end of the______ century.
A. 14th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. 17th

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The preschool movement can be traced back as far as the 4th century B.C. When Plato stressed the importance of early childhood, and the necessity of family co-operation. A study of ancient history reveals that some of the early philosophers, preachers(布道师) and educational reformers considered the significance of parent-child relationships, and made plans for improved education for infants and young children. However, it is in the 17th century that early child hood education as we know it received its impetus(推进).
In the history of education, several educational leaders have made valuable early contributions to the preschool movement. The pioneer work of Comenius, Rousseau, Basedow, Pestalozzi and Froebel in this field is particularly noteworthy. More recently, important additions were made by Montessori, Dewey, and others. Early in the 20th century, organized planning for preschool training led to the introduction of institutions designed specially for this purpose. In En
A. The Early Contributions to the Preschool.
B. Education in Parent-Child Relationships.
C. The Development of the Preschool Movement.
D. The First Preschools in Americ

[单项选择]In Canada (加拿大) you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and have them as their good friends. Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them needles so that they won’t carry disease (疾病). They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian (加拿大人) dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people’s homes, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder (器皿) in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcome to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animals in Canada. They have a law against (逆,紧靠着) killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished. If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.

A. how to keep disease from pets
B. how to take good care of pets
C. pets in Canada
Education in Canada

Education in Canada is provided, funded and overseen by federal, provincial, and local governments. It is generally divided into elementary (Primary School, Public School), followed by Secondary (High School) and Post Secondary (University, College). Within the provinces under the ministry of education, there are district school boards administering the educational programs. Education is compulsory up to the age of 16 in every province in Canada, except for Ontario and New Brunswick, where the compulsory age is 18. In some provinces early leaving exemptions can be granted under certain circumstances at 14. Canada generally has 190 school days in the year, officially starting from September (after Labor Day ) to the end of June ( usually the last Friday of the month, Wednesday in some Ontario schools).
Primary education and secondary education combined are sometimes refer
A. profitable
B. esteemed
C. competitive
D. liberal
[填空题]The first known medical writing in China dates back to the ... 38 ....
[单项选择]It is essential that these application( )forms back as early as possible.
A. must be sent
B. will be sent
C. are sent
D. be sent
[单项选择]What happened to Ms. White after she was taken back to the store()
A. She was questioned by the police.
B. She was shut in a small room for 20 minutes.
C. She was insulted by the shopper around her.
D. She was body-searched by the store manger.
[单项选择]Mother: Jimmy, what are you hiding behind your back Let me see.
Jimmy: It's kitty. Please let me keep it. It's a good kitty and will not bring you any trouble.
Mother: ______. I told you. No pets. It'll make a mess of this house.
A. No way
B. Not at all
C. By the way
D. On the contrary


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