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发布时间:2023-10-11 08:49:14

[单项选择]There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

更多"There are ______ political division"的相关试题:

[单项选择]There are ( ) political divisions on the island of Great Britain.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
[简答题]What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain
[单项选择]North Island, South Island, and Steward Island are the three large islands that ______ the country of New Zealand.
A. compact B. compose C. comply D. comprise
[简答题]please describe divisions and their main structures of the duodenum(7分)
[单项选择]Hainan Island is ( ) largest island of China.
A. first
B. second
C. the first
D. the second
[单项选择]According to the author, "class divisions" refers to"______".

A. the rich and the poor
B. different opportunities for people
C. oppressor and the oppressed
D. genius and idiot
[单项选择]Passage Three
The current political debate over family values personal responsibility, and welfare takes for granted the entrenched American belief that dependence on government assistance is a recent and destructive phenomenon. Conservatives tend to blame this dependence on personal irresponsibility aggravated by a swollen welfare apparatus that saps individual initiative. Liberals are more likely to blame it on personal misfortune magnified by the harsh lot that falls to losers in our competitive market economy. But both sides believe that "winners" in America make it on their own that dependence reflects some kind of individual or family failure, and that the ideal family is the self-reliant unit of traditional lore--a family that takes care of its own, carves out a future for its children, and never asks for handouts. Politicians at both en
A. heightening individual or family dependence on government assistance
B. reducing individual or family dependence on government assistance
C. magnifying individual or family dependence on government assistance
D. causing political debate over personal responsibilities
[单项选择]Political platforms are usually written for election campaign purposes, then quickly scrapped after a presidential election. But the 1980 Republican platform bore a simple five-word title: "Family, Neighborhood, Work, Peace, Freedom," and was planned and written with the (62) of creating an agenda for a Reagan administration on Day One, Jan 20, 1981. My signal (63) of Reagan’s first year in ofrice is that we were actually able to (64) to the plan that he insisted we put in place.
(65) with the basic policy framework, Reagan’s was one of the most carefully planned presidential (66) in modern political history, filled with teams of "Reaganauts" dispatched to each department and agency in the days following the election Staffing lists were (67) , and presidential and sub-cabinet appointments were made swiftly, and necessary Senate hearings were (68)
The plan from the outset was to put in place the Reagan economic pro


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