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发布时间:2024-09-08 20:46:08

[单项选择]I have promised Linda not to give ( ) the secret.
A. away
B. in
C. out
D. up

更多"I have promised Linda not to give ("的相关试题:

[单项选择]I have promised Linda not to give () the secret.
A. away
B. in
C. out
D. up

You have promised to give a sample of your product in person to Mr. John Smith, your customer, tomorrow, but you won’t be able to go, because you were just told to attend a meeting.
Write an email to Mr. John Smith,
1) apologizing for changing your plan;
2) explaining the reason for the change;
3) telling him your new arrangement.
You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your email.
Use "Wang Lin" instead.

[单项选择]The manager promised to have my complaint ()
A. looked through
B. looked into
C. looked over
D. looked after
[单项选择]To my great relief, the manager promised to have my complaint______ .

A. looked through
B. looked over
C. looked into
D. looked after
[单项选择]Since I have promised him not to tell anybody about this incident, I ______ say it.

[单项选择]My uncle promised to furnish all I need()
A. offer
B. buy
C. lend
D. rent
[单项选择]I have been trying to give up smoking.
A. give off
B. put up
C. quit
D. accept
[单项选择]She is()to refuse, so I have to give in.
A. a too kind girl
B. too a kind girl
C. too kind a girl
D. a girl kind too
[填空题]What measures have the officials promised to take to deal with the health problem
[单项选择]I will give this dictionary to()wants to have it.
A. whomever
B. whoever
C. whatever
D. wherever
[单项选择]Though I have ______, I______ give the sweet course a miss since I am slimming.

A. a sweet tooth, might as well
B. sweet teeth, might as well
C. a good tooth, had rather
D. bad teeth, had rather
[单项选择]I'll give you this sample to ( ) wants to have it.
A. whomever
B. whoever
C. someone
D. anyone
[单项选择]I()have watched that movie--it'll give me horrible dreams.
A. shouldn' t
B. needn' t
C. couldn't
D. mustn't
[单项选择]My parents have promised to come to see me before I ()for Africa.
A. have lef
B. t leave
C. left
D. will leave


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