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发布时间:2023-11-15 06:10:31

[单项选择]State interference carried with it an implied guarantee, so bankers paid no heed _____ the financial risks they were undertaking.
A. to
B. at
C. towards
D. against

更多"State interference carried with it "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which is implied in the passage

A. Some companies do not comprehend the urgency of the situation.
B. All companies are ready for the year 2000.
C. The millennium bug is designed by people intentionally.
D. The scale of the problem of the millennium bug is over-estimated.
[单项选择]What is implied in the passage

A. In the tropics while animals and plants died of hot temperature people all survived in their caves and cellars.
B. People living near Cairo were not used to humid temperature and began to have breathing problems.
C. When the temperature of the surface waters of the sea rose, the air became damper.
D. People in some latitudes learnt certain skills from animals to cope with hot weather.
[单项选择]What is implied in Paragraph 4

[单项选择]What is implied in this passage

A. The sun was worshiped by all the Chinese people.
B. The sun was thought of as a cock.
C. Chinese religion and astronomy were closely interrelated.
D. Sundials were first used by the Chinese.
[单项选择]What is implied in the first sentence

A. Americans are better prepared for death than other people
B. Americans enjoy a higher life quality than ever before
C. Americans are over-confident of their medical technology
D. Americans take a vain pride in their long life expectancy
[单项选择]It is implied that adaptiveness and inventiveness of the early American mechanics______.

A. benefited a lot from their mathematical knowledge
B. shed light on disciplined school management
C. was brought about by privileged home training
D. owed a lot to the technological development
[单项选择]What is implied about the poem Gardening Gloves

A. "Gloves" is an unusual subject for a poem.
B. It is less interesting than his other works.
C. It overstretched his imagination.
D. It was particularly difficult to writ
[单项选择]Which of the followings implied in the passage
A. The attitudes of the masses of people are best expressed by sociology texts.
B. The nearest thing we have had to a proletarian literature is the clime novel.
C. The study of the formal literature alone will not enable the historian to understand the attitudes and interests of the common people.
D. Because the themes in the dime novels were not good, they could no longer be legally distribute
[单项选择]Which of the following about technology is implied rather than directly stated in the passage

A. Digital technology is being used to push advertising messages on high-definition video screens.
B. Thanks to new technologies, advertisers have easier access to potential consumers.
C. Wireless technology ran push advertising anywhere one wants.
D. Technology advances may cut the cost of installing screens.
[单项选择]What is implied in the efficient market hypothesis "There's no such thing as a free lunch"

A. You need to ignore a hot tip offered.
B. You need to pay for a hot tip offered.
C. You need to justify a hot tip offered.
D. You need to take quick advantage of a hot tip offere
[单项选择]It is implied that cloning draws fierce criticism from ethicists, religious leaders and US President Bush because______.

A. it is conceptually hyped
B. it is morally controversial
C. it is extremely difficult
D. it is not scientifically viable
[单项选择]What is implied about the Mexican agricultural products

A. The Mexican agricultural products have been highly commercialized.
B. Some agricultural products are imported from The US.
C. The Mexican agricultural products are in the leading place in the world.
D. Some Mexican agricultural product has got a majority of America market share.
[单项选择]Which of the following sounds like an implied solution to the energy dilemma a. Solar energy. b. Fossil fuels. c. New nuclear plants. d. No nuclear plants.
[单项选择]What is implied in the last paragraph about India in the first twenty years of this century

A. It will keep on growing fast and steadily.
B. It will slow down the pace of development.
C. It will have no energy to take reforms in various areas.
D. It will have to accomplish all-around improvements.
[单项选择]What is implied in the final, conclusive sentence

A. They succeeded in the project, although they were not sure about it.
B. They expected the project to be a great failure of the century, but it did not.
C. They concealed the project for so long that they were uncertain about it.
D. They thought the project too colossal not to be fateful as they had expecte


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