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发布时间:2024-03-13 18:38:37

[单项选择]The houses built of brick last longer than______built of wood.( )
A. one
B. that
C. ones
D. those

更多"The houses built of brick last long"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Built ( ) natural materials, the houses are believed to be warm, comfortable and friendly places to live.
A. from
B. with
C. by
D. in
[单项选择]I wish I()in Hawaii longer last week, but I had to come back and go to work.
A. had stayed
B. might have stayed
C. stayed
D. have stayed
[单项选择]The houses are made of stone. Houses so ______ are much expensive.

A. constructing
B. constructed
C. construct
D. to construct
[单项选择]The Smithsonian houses a miscellaneous collection of aircraft, artifacts, butterflies, stones [both precious and common], and so on.
A. a heterogenous
B. an overwhelming
C. a unified
D. a vast
[单项选择]Houses in Ica experienced terrible destruction during the El Nino event because ______.

[单项选择]A brick works, together with some drug factories, ______ here.

A. is to build
B. is to be built
C. are to build
D. are to be built
[单项选择]The underlined term "brick and mortar banks" (Line 3, Par

A. A.2) refers to ______. banks with dependable reputationsB. banks with competitive interest ratesC. banks with traditional walk-in servicesD. banks with reliable on-line services
[单项选择]Widowers' Houses is a grotesquely realistic exposure of ______.
A. prostitution
B. life force
C. social evil
D. slum landlordism
[单项选择]The author believes that more houses were bought last year because ______.
A. the economic recession was less serious
B. many people earned more before
C. the interest rate was very low
D. real-estate developers lowered their prices
[单项选择]Peter knocked on the doors of many houses because he liked to visit people.

[单项选择]Why was the Gardens built

A. The King Hammurabi wanted to show off his wealth.
B. It was built as a symbol of the Mesopotamian civilization.
C. Nebuchadnezzar had a passion for mountain surroundings.
D. Nebuchadnezzar wanted to pleased his wife or concubin
[单项选择]He _______ a brick through the window.
A. hurled
B. cast
C. put
D. tossed
[单项选择]What are the names of the two Houses of Australian Parliament
A. Senate; House of Representatives.
B. House of Lords; House of Commons.
C. House of Lords; House of Representatives.
D. Senate; House of Commons.
[单项选择]In the future, houses will be different from houses that we live in today. One of the things that will be different is the living room. Two of the main things that living rooms in the future will focus on will be the television part of the rooms and the social area. Most houses will be equipped with (配备) home cinemas. There will also be a separate space that will be used as the social area. Also the rooms can expand (扩展) and merge with other rooms in the distance. This will be very good because you can have the party at your house instead of finding another place.
The bathrooms in the future will be a place larger than they are today. This is happening with most rooms in the future. There will be a larger use of technology in the bathrooms too. People will start to use a lot more telephones, TVs, exercise equipment (设备), and saunas. The main idea of the bathroom will be to get there and take a relaxing bath or go into the sauna to take away your stress. In the future we will be sp
A. take a bath
B. get relaxed
C. C. Both A and


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