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发布时间:2023-10-06 08:58:55

[单项选择]( )in Beijing for quite a few years, Mr. Park had little difficulty understanding Chinese.
A. Having lived
B. Lived
C. Living
D. To live

更多"( )in Beijing for quite a few years"的相关试题:


Twenty years ago people had one telephone in the house or in the office. Today, people have telephones at home, in cars, in offices, almost everywhere. You can even see people talking into cell phones(手机) on the streets. Once I asked a newspaper reporter for his telephone number. He answered, "Which number do you want Home number, work number, weekend number, or car number"
Now there are even answering machines, but it seems that nobody likes them. For callers there is the problem of how to talk to them because it is very difficult to have a conversation with a machine. For owners of answering machines, there are problems, too. What kind of message(信息) should be recorded(录音) for the caller If the message is too short, like "This is an answering machine. Speak now", the caller may not have enough time to get ready. Others may be too long. One long message goes like this: "This is Nathan’s answering machine. Please leave your name, telephone n
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t Say

[单项选择]( ) three years since Nancy had her vacation.
A. It was
B. There was
C. It is
D. There is
[单项选择]Ten years ago he had no money, so it was _________for him to buy a computer.

A. beyond question
B. without question
C. out of question
D. out of the question
[单项选择]Traffic in Beijing is quite a serious problem. The same is true of other big cities in the world.()
A. 北京的交通问题相当严重,世界上的其他大城市也是如此。
B. 北京的交通是一个十分严重的问题,与世界上的其他大城市相比更是如此。
C. 北京的交通安全是一个十分严肃的问题,要向世界上其他大城市学习。
D. 像世界上的其他大城市一样,北京的交通很有问题。
[单项选择]She told us that five years before, she had been just one of the high school students, but it seemed that overnight she turned into a singer()
A. 她告诉我们,五年前她不过是一个普通的高中生,然而似乎是在一夜之间她便成了歌星。
B. 五年前她跟我们说,她曾是那些高中生中的一员,但她在黑夜中摸爬滚打才如愿当上了歌星。
C. 她坦白说她是在五年前从一名高中生变成歌星。
D. 她对我们说,她只读了五年书,后来好像时来运转,她突然成了歌星。
[单项选择]Last Sunday ( ) had a picnic in Beihai Park.
A. John, Mary and I
B. John, me and Mary
C. John, I and Mary
D. I, John and Mary
[填空题]After they had worked a few miracles, their imagination increased, and their ambition ________ . (large)
[单项选择]After Tom had bought his computer for a few months, he just ______ of all the pamphlets and brochures on it.

A. disposed
B. discarded
C. disproved
D. discharged
[简答题]Twenty years ago, kids in school had never even heard of the Internet. Now, I’ll (81) you can’t find a single person in your school who hasn’t at least heard of it. In fact, many of us use it on a (82) basis and even have access to it from our homes! The ‘net’ in Internet really stands (83) network. A network is two or more computers connected together so that information can be (84) , or sent from one computer to another. The Internet is a vast (85) for all types of information. You may enjoy using it to do research for a school (86) , downloading your favorite songs or communicating with friends and family. Information is (87) through web pages that companies, organizations and individuals (88) and post. It’s kind of (89) a giant bulletin board that the whole world uses! But since anyone can put anything on the Internet, you also have to be (90) and use your best judgment and a little (91) sense. Just because you read something on a piece of paper someone sticks on a bulletin boa
A. A.also


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