When he died in April of 1983, Dr. Joel
Hildebrand was 101 years old, who had been married for seventy-five years, and
had taught freshman chemistry to over 40,000 college students. For his life, he had published a popular chemistry textbook and dozens of articles, managed the U. S. Olympic ski team, and discovered a way to allow deep-sea divers to stay underwater longer. In his own way, Dr. Hildebrand was certainly a genius. Dr. Hildebrand’s interest in chemistry began at an early age. In an interview, he once said that his interest had been formed because he was fortunate enough to be born before there was television, so he had to make his own decisions about what to pay attention to. Even as a student in high school. Dr. Hildebrand had the reputation as the one who learned more chemistry than his teacher knew. A. a powerful weapon for knowledge spreading B. a favorable means to promote learning C. something to distract people’s attention D. the embodiment of scientific and technological progress [单选题]进入火焰筒头部P的一股气流的占空气总量的( )。
A.20% B.25% C.75% D.80% [判断题]结构高度限界值:(以跨距中最短吊弦长度为依据界定)最短吊弦长度不小于300mm。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在过去的10年里,技术的进步和设备成本的降低已经在费用上使得把太阳能直接转化为电力更为有效。但是,太阳能经济可行性的门槛(也就是要想使新的太阳能发电机比新的燃油发电机更为节约,每桶石油必须提高的价格)没有变,仍是35美元。
根据以上文字,可以推出的是______。 A. 石油成本大幅下降了 B. 太阳能设备成本下降了 C. 技术上的变化提高了燃油发动机的效率 D. 大多数电力都是燃煤发动机或核力发电机生产出来的,而不是燃油发电机生产的 [判断题]固定货位存放的物资实行“四号定位”,即库、架、层、位四个号码确定货位。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]有关健康筛查的叙述错误的是( )
A.临床预防服务中最重要的内容 B.属于二级预防 C.能促使求医者自觉采纳有益于健康的行为和生活方式 D.通过筛检可有效发现部分早期疾病 E.每两年检查一次血压也属于其中一种 [填空题]
Answer Questions 71~80 by referring to the comments on 4 different powers in the following magazine article. Note: Answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1. Some choices may be required more than once. {{B}}A=Hydro power B=Nuclear power C=Coal-fired power D=Solar power Which power…{{/B}} Our demand for electricity is climbing so fast that over the
next decade U. S. generating capacity must increase by a third. Fossil fuels
supply nearly three-quarters of this energy. But the smoke-belching stacks of
coal-fired, gas-fired and oil-fired plants are also responsible for about half
of our air pollution.
That, we used to think, is a small price to pay for progress. But there is an alternative, one that produces no smoke and can actually create more fuel than it consumes. In many regions it is even cheaper than coal-fired electricity: nuclear power. Already nuclear pow [单项选择]斯坦利·杰文斯提出的"太阳黑子理论"是关于()。
A. 经济周期形成的内部原因的一种解释 B. 经济周期形成的外部原因的一种解释 C. 经济增长的内部原因的一种解释 D. 经济增长的外部原因的一种解释 [填空题]根据《金匮》原文,防己黄芪汤加减示:喘者加______半两,气上冲者加______三分,下有陈寒者加______三分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 为表示关系x≥y≥z,应使用C语言表达式 ______.
A.(x>=y)&&(y>=z) B. (x>=y)AND(y>=z) C.(x>=y>=z) D.D) (x>=y) & (y>=z) [判断题]报检员有权拒绝办理所属企业交办的单证不真实、手续不齐全的报检业务。()
A.电枢绕组 B.励磁绕组 C.单相绕组 D.三相绕组 [单选题]贴安全标签的目的是为了警示使用者,此种化学品的( )以及一旦发生事故应采取的救护措施。
A.危害性 B.有害性 C.物理性 [单选题]从事一般性高处作业脚上应穿( )。
A.硬底鞋 B. 软底防滑鞋 C.普通胶鞋 D.日常穿的鞋 [填空题]理财产品宣传材料应当在醒目位置提示客户( )。
A. 辊面斑点; B. 轧辊烧伤; C. 轧辊表面划痕; [单项选择]Who most likely is the woman
A. A building manager B. A company executive C. A realtor D. A courier [单选题] 使用洋地黄制剂和利尿剂期间,应特别注意补充()
A.钠 B.钾 C.钙 D.镁 E.氯 [单项选择]在Windows操作系统中,一般软件安装程序都使用的名称是()。
A. setup或install B. uninstall C. system D. xcopy [多选题]SF6气瓶应放置在阴凉干燥、通风良好、敞开的专门场所,直立保存,并应远离热源和油污的地方,防(),并不得有水分或油污粘在阀门上。
A.潮 B.阳光曝晒 C.风 D.冻 E.略 F.略 [判断题]要扎牢不能腐的笼子,把“当下改”和“长久立”结合起来,形成靠制度管权、管事、管人的长效机制。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]咳嗽伴哮鸣音常见于
A. 气管异物 B. 肺囊肿 C. 支气管扩张 D. 肺脓肿 E. 胸膜炎 [单选题]不属于住院病案的是
A.医疗记录 B.护理记录 C.检验记录 D.各种证明文件 E.交班报告 我来回答: 提交