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发布时间:2024-07-24 02:04:05

[单项选择]What is the result of rising temperatures in the Assam region in India
A. Tea production has declined.
B. The number of tea plantations has risen.
C. The quality of the tea is better.

更多"What is the result of rising temper"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What has kept temperatures from rising at an even higher rate

A. The absorption of carbon dioxide by natural factors.
B. Human effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
C. Drastically reduced emissions of greenhouse gases.
D. A 10% decrease in the average weight of polar bears.
[填空题]What was the result of the tests The result was that he found the monkey to be ______ he studied.
[单项选择]What remains an important factor for the rising number of road accidents()
A. Highway crime.
B. Drivers’ errors.
C. Poor traffic control.
D. Confusing road signs.
[单项选择]What was the result of the test

A. She passed it.
B. She failed it.
C. She missed it.
D. She gave it up.
[简答题]What a triumph. Bank shares are rising, the FTSE 100 index is back where it was a week ago, and the queues have evaporated. Not many people are putting new deposits in Northern Rock, but a few are taking a punt on its shares. Order is restored. Actually, that 8o//00 rise in Northern Rock’s share price is very embarrassing for the authorities. It reflects the fact the bank is worth more because its deposits are guaranteed by the Treasury. That looks like a straightforward bail—out for Northern Rock’s shareholders, exactly the outcome the Bank of England has warned would store up trouble for the future.
The Bank is right, of course. If all deposits at all banks were to be guaranteed—which seems to be the implication of the chancellor’s statement—the state is potentially accepting an enormous liability. Worse, an odd incentive is created: managements who are insulated from a run on their bank might be inclined to take wilder risks with the cash. The chancellor and the Bank also kno
[单项选择]What is one result when more robots are introduced

A. More workers would rather do dirty work.
B. More jobs can be interesting and exciting.
C. More industry experts are needed.
D. More workers are out of work.
[单项选择]What' s the result of the French study

[单项选择]What will be the result of a more environmentally minded new president be in the place

A. The car industry will be benefited most and will be more profitable.
B. The congress will play less important role in regulating emissions.
C. The 40-year-old law the Clean Air Act will be abolished.
D. The dispute whether CO2 was an air pollutant will be settled.
[单项选择]What is the most probable result of the conversation
A. The man got his radio repaired.
B. The man got a new receipt.
C. The man got a new radio.
[单项选择]According to the passage, what will result if you are too picky enough

A. Your partner will never let you down.
B. Your perfect match will never cause you pain.
C. Your partner will be physically attracted to you.
D. You will be most unlikely to end up in marriag
[填空题]What was the result of a recent study Thinner people are more __________________________ than fatter people.
[单项选择]What would the result be if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared

A. The western part of the continent would be disappeared.
B. The western part of the continent would be reduced.
C. The western part of the continent would become hidden Islands.
D. The western part of the continent would become a group of smaller Islands.
[单项选择]What's the result of an accumulation of ice

A. An accumulation of ice would make the global climate system altered.
B. An accumulation of ice would make snow more difficult to melt.
C. An accumulation of ice would increase the amount of moisture in the air.
D. An accumulation of ice would increase the global temperatur
[单项选择]Kate wondered what the result was, but I refused to tell her until she()the novel.
A. finishes
B. have finished
C. had finished
D. finished
[单项选择]What was the result of Columbus’ two trips to America()
A. They led to the discovery of America.
B. They made native American foods popular.
C. They brought great wealth to Spain.
D. They made native American life styles well-known.
[单项选择]What was the result of Columbus’’ two trips to America ?()
A. They led to the discovery of America.
B. They made native American foods popular.
C. They brought great wealth to Spain.
D. They made native American life styles well-known.


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