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发布时间:2023-11-21 03:29:46

[单项选择]I have six color pencils. One is red, ()is blue and ()are green.
A. another; the others
B. the other; others
C. one; others
D. another one; the other

更多"I have six color pencils. One is re"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The red skirt looks ()the blue one
A. nice     
B. nicer than   
C. the nicest
[单项选择]Mary doesn't like blue ( ) red. But ( ).
A. nor; Lily does
B. and; does Lily
C. nor; Lily is
D. neither; is Lily
[单项选择]Will the woman choose the black one or the red one
A. The black one.
B. The red one.
C. She wouldn’t choose any of them.
[单项选择]You look ______ in blue while red clothes are nice ______ her.
A. well, for
B. well, to
C. good, at
D. good, on
[单项选择]A survey suggests that nearly one in six children has difficulty()to talk.
A. to learn
B. learning
C. learn
D. learnt
[单项选择]—( )is your English teacher
—The one in red.
A. Who
B. Which
C. What
D. Where
[单项选择]Passage One Five or six years ago, I attended a lecture on the science of attention. A philosopher who conducts research in the medical school was talking about attention blindness, the basic feature of the human brain that, when we concentrate intensely on one task, causes us to miss just about everything else. Because we can’t see what we can’t see, our lecturer was determined to catch us in the act. He had us watch a video of six people tossing basketballs back and forth, three in white shirts and three in black, and our task was to keep track only of the tosses among the people in white. The tape rolled, and everyone began counting. Everyone except me, I’m dyslexic (有阅读障碍的),and the moment I saw that grainy tape with the confusing basketball tossers, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep track of their movements, so I let my mind wander. My curiosity was aroused, though, when about 30 seconds into the tape, a gorilla (大猩猩)came in among the players. She (we later learned
A. basketball
B. an experiment
C. a philosopher
D. a gorilla
[单项选择]What would happen if one presses the red button on the tape recorder

A. The material that is already on there would be erased.
B. The recorder would stop working.
C. The cover of the recorder would open.
D. Nothing would be recorded
[填空题]Passage Six An average of just one 85-gram serving of unprocessed red meat — such as a medium hamburger or a small pork chop — per day increased by 12 percent the chances a person would get type 2 diabetes over the course of a decade or two.
[单项选择]Which box is ______, the red one, the yellow one or the white one

A. heavier
B. heaviest
C. the heaviest
[单项选择]The colors red, blue, and yellow can be mixed in different combinations to make every color the human eye can distinguish.
A. soaked
B. ranked
C. blended
D. purchased
[简答题]Scientists have cured color blindness in monkeys using gene therapy.
As well as allowing color-blind humans to tell red from green, the innovative technique could restore sight to the blind.
Sufferers of age,related macular degeneration—the most common cause of blindness in the elderly—are among the millions who could eventually benefit.
Researcher Jay Neitz said: "If we could find a way to do this with complete safety in human eyes, as we did with monkeys, there would be a lot of people who would want it. We hope the technology will be useful in correcting a lot of different vision disorders. "
Professor Neitz used gene therapy—injections of genes—to allow two male squirrel monkeys called Sam and Dalton to see in full color for the first time.
Like some humans with red-green colour blindness, the monkeys lacked a pigment that the cones—the colour—detector cells at the back of the eye—need to see red and green. As a result, they saw both red and green


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