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发布时间:2024-09-08 20:48:31

[单项选择]Iceberg Principle is associated with ______.
A. Faulkner
B. Pound
C. Hemingway
D. Poe

更多"Iceberg Principle is associated wit"的相关试题:

[名词解释]associated transfer
[单项选择]The Cooperative Principle was proposed by

A. Saussure.
B. Halliday.
C. Searle.
D. Ca-ic
[单项选择]An analyst does research about financial principles. Which of the following financial principles is most accurate to describe the requirement that each material class of similar items should be shown separately on the financial statements()
A. Aggregation.
B. Comparative information.
C. No offsetting.
[单项选择]Practical application of this principle resulted in ______.

A. new electronic instruments for planes
B. new radio sets for RAF bombers
C. an electronic detecting device
D. a radio directing and ranging device
[单项选择]In accrual accounting, the matching principle states that:()
A. expenses incurred to generate revenue are recognized in the same time period as the revenue.
B. an entity should recognize revenues only when received and expenses only when they are paid.
C. transactions and events producing cash flows are allocated only to time periods in which the cash flows occur.
[单项选择]The Fundamental physical (principle) of photography is that (light falling) on the grains (of certain) insoluble silver salts produces small, (invisibly) changes in the grains.
[单项选择]If the maxims of cooperative principle is violated, ______ might occur.

A. misleading
B. locutionary act
C. conversational implicature
D. slip of tongue
[填空题]According to the principle of insurance, each member of a group facing the same risk shares the losses that occur among them.
[单项选择]It isestimated that a scientific principle has a life expectancy of approximately a decade before it drastically revised or replaced by newer information.
A. estimated
B. a life expectancy
C. decade
D. it drastically
[单项选择]Not all member states abided by the principle they had agreed on previously.

A. adhered to
B. abandoned
C. applied
D. adopted
[单项选择]The most fundamental principle in the reform of state organs is that they must ______ the masses of the people.

A. lend aid to
B. lend a hand to
C. keep pace with
D. keep in contact with
[单项选择]A) interest C) principle
B) fact D) course

A. interest
B. fact
C. principle
D. course

Many professions are associated with a particular stereotype. The classic (1) of a writer, for example, is (2) a slightly crazy-looking person, (3) in an attic, writing away furiously for days (4) end. Naturally, he has his favorite pen and note-paper, or a beat-up typewriter, (5) which he could not produce a readable word.
Nowadays, we know that such images bear little (6) to reality. But are they completely (7) In the case of at least one writer, it would seem not. Dame Muriel Spark, who (8) 80 in February, in many ways resembles this stereotypical "writer". She is certainly not (9) , and she doesn’t work in an attic. But she is rather particular (10) the tools of her trade.
She insists on writing with a (11) type of pen in a certain type of notebook, which she buys from a certain stationer in Edinburgh called James Thin. In fact, so (12) is she that, if someone
A. those
B. these
C. them
D. they


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