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发布时间:2023-10-26 20:23:33

[多项选择]______ , and members of the congregation having returned, this church too will start out with ______ effort in the work that lies before them, which will be taken up by the different departments.
A. The summer vacation is over; great
B. The summer vacation being over; renewed
C. As the summer vacation over; refreshing
D. Had the summer vacation been over; sacred

更多"______ , and members of the congreg"的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ company executives and union members can reach an agreement, the workers will go on strike.
A. If
B. When
C. Unless
D. After
[单项选择]Man: We're having a hard time deciding where to go skiing over break. Where would you prefer to go this year
Women: I guess I didn't tell you. I had to back out.
Question: What does the woman mean
[简答题]Dube and Eddy are members of Fragrance CC. Dube recently discovered that Eddy neglected to pay one of the suppliers of Fragrance CC timeously, causing the supplier to cancel all of its orders. Fragrance CC stands to lose quite a lot of money as it will not have enough merchandise to sell during the upcoming holiday season. Dube also found out that Eddy has privately been selling Fragrance CC merchandise, in direct competition to the company. Required: Advise Dube on fi duciary duties and duties of care and skill owed by the members of a close corporation to their corporation. (10 marks)
[单项选择]Speaker A:We're having a few people over for dinner Saturday.().Speaker B:Oh,thank you.That would be great.
A. Are you doing anything then
B. It'll be a lot of fun.
C. We'd love to have you around.
D. Have you heard about it
[填空题]We’re having dinner at my ______ (aunt) tonight.
[单项选择]The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called()
A. hyponymy
B. synonymy
C. polysemy
D. homonymy
[单项选择]The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can _____

A. better control the whole negotiation process
B. easily find new approaches to meet market needs
C. fast- forward their proposals to headquarters
D. easily make friends with businesspeople abroad
[单项选择]The private detective, having received new information from a confidential source, narrowed down the ______ of his enquiry into the case.
A. aspect
B. sphere
C. dimension
D. scope
[单项选择]Any staff members traveling overseas on company business will be () for exceeding their expense allowances.
A. billed
B. arranged
C. replaced
D. produced
[单项选择]The hotel management trains all its staff members to deal with guest inquiries ______.
A. courtesy
B. courteous
C. courteously
D. more courteous
[单项选择]They seized Belgrade, though only after having encountered a stubborn ______.
A. persistence
B. resistance
C. insistence
D. assistance
[单项选择]Having gone through all kinds of hardships in life, he became a man with a strong ______.
A. philosophy
B. idealism
C. morality
D. personality
[单项选择]The private life of having each individual make his or her own choice of beliefs and interest ______ without the overarching public world of the state, which sustains a structure of law appropriate to a self-determining association.
A. is not possible
B. would not be possible
C. will not be possible
D. by which
[单项选择]According to the passage, couples having infant children ______.


When three Florida boys were diagnosed as having AIDS, their barber refused to cut their hair and their house was burned down by neighbors. These reactions may be (1) , but other AIDS sufferers have experienced job loss, (2) of insurance, and even (3) by their families and friends. Social scientists use the term stigma to describe the discredit and shame that public hostility can (4) a group of people. (5) , AIDS sufferers are often stigmatized.
Where do these stigmatizing attitudes come from AIDS forces us to confront our own (6) in a particularly (7) way, because most of its victims are young. Some people (8) feelings of vulnerability by convincing themselves that AIDS victims are not like them and (9) their fate. They define AIDS (10) something that can happen only to members of certain groups. Because homosexuals are already a target of (11) , people’s intolerance becomes (12) t
A. devote to
B. put to
C. associate with
D. impose on


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