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发布时间:2024-07-28 07:33:21

[多项选择]Nadia: Welcome to Shanghai Hotel! Brown: My name is Brown. ______ Nadia: Yes, Mr. Brown. You reserved a single room for three nights. Brown: Yes, that's right.

更多"Nadia: Welcome to Shanghai Hotel! "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I don't remember______to Professor Brown during my last visit to Harvard.
A. having introduced
B. having been introduced
C. to have introduced
D. to have been introduced
[单项选择]I want to buy a new tie to ( ) my brown suit.
A. match
B. wear
C. agree with
D. keep with
[单项选择]Who is Joe Brown

A. He is an expert in mental workings.
B. He is an actor.
C. He is a writer on the importance of friends and relatives.
D. He is a clinical psychologist and talk show host.
[简答题] Central Hotel
[简答题] hotel A
[单项选择]What should you do if you want to get a domain name for yourself
A. I should log on to many registration sites as soon as possible.
B. I should pay fees first and then put my desired Web name.
C. I should click my mouse quickly to search and bug a domain name onlin
[单项选择]The hero was a big man; the celebrity is a big name.( )
A. The hero was tall and strong.
B. The hero was brave and courageous.
C. The hero was an outstanding man with fine qualities.
D. The hero was a brave man with tremendous strength.
[单项选择]How much did Brown spend on books

#include <stdio.h>
struct STU
char name[10];
int num;
void f1(struct STU c)
struct STU b="LiSiGuo",2042;

void f2(struct STU *c)
struct STU b="SanDan",2044;

main( )
struct STU a="YangSan",2041, b="WangYin",2043;
f1(a); f2(&b);

执行后的输出结果是( )。
A. 2041 2044
B. 2041 2043
C. 2042 2044
D. 2042 2043
[填空题]A guest in this hotel accused one of the hotel staff of (steal) ______ his money.
[单项选择]下列程序的输出结果是( )。
using namespace std;
class TestClass
static int i;
TestClass( )i++;
~TestClass( )i--;
static int getVal( )retum i;
int TestClass∷i=0;
void fun( )TestClass ob2;cout<<ob2.getVal( );
int main( )
TestClass obi;
fun( );
TestClass*ob3=new TestClass;cout<<ob3->getVal( );
delete ob3;cout<<TestClass∷getVal( );
retum 0;

A. 111
B. 121
C. 211
D. 221
[填空题]Not ______ (surprise), the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.
A. 急性脊髓炎
B. Guillain-Barré综合征
C. 急性硬脊膜外脓肿
D. 脊髓髓外硬膜内肿瘤
E. 脊髓空洞症
A. 损伤侧病变平面以下痉挛性瘫
B. 健侧病变平面以下痉挛性瘫
C. 损伤侧病变平面以下痛温觉消失
D. 健侧病变平面以下痛温觉消失
E. 损伤侧病变平面相应肌节弛缓性瘫
[单项选择]Paul Brown regards leaving home in such circumstances as ______.

A. an act of despair
B. an act of selfishness
C. the result of a sudden decision
D. the result of the enormous sense of guilt
[简答题]Part 2&3Hotel Please tell me about one hotel near your home What is the name Where is the location What facilities are there in the hotel And explain why it is special
[填空题]下列程序的输出结果是 【11】 。 #inClude<iostream> using namespace std; class Test { public:   Test( ) {cnt++;} ~Test( ){cnt--;} static int Count( ) {return cnt;} private: static int cnt; }; int Test::cnt=0; int main( ) { cout<<Test::Count( )<<”; Test t1,t2; Test*pT3=new Test; Test*pT4=new Test; cout<<Test::Count( )<<’’; delete pT4; delete pT3; cout<<Test::Count( )<<endl; return 0; }


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