The universities have trained the
intellectual pioneers of our civilization—the priests, the lawyers, the
statesmen, the doctors, the men of science, and the men of letters. The conduct
of business now requires intellectual imagination of the same type as that which
in former times has mainly passed into those other occupations. There is one {{U}}great difficulty which hinders all the higher types of human effort.{{/U}} In modern times this difficulty has even increased in its possibilities for evil. In any large organization the younger men, who are novices. must be set to jobs which consist in carrying out fixed duties in obedience to orders. No president of a large corporation meets his youngest employee at his office door with the offer of the most responsible job which the work of that corporation includes. The young A. Limitations of the University. B. The Proper Function of the University. C. Importance of Intellectual Imagination. D. Foolery of Apprenticeship Period. [简答题]真主从何时命令每天礼五番拜?
A. からする B. からなる C. からいる D. からみる [判断题]国际市场营销与国际贸易是对同一种社会经济活动的不同称呼。
[单项选择]2007年实行进口许可证管理的货物是( )。
A. 汽车及其底盘 B. 易制毒化学品 C. 消耗臭氧层物质 D. 监控化学品 [判断题]一般用锤子对螺栓进行点检,正确的方法是手握柄端敲打螺母的横面。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]采掘工作面开关的停送电,必须执行“谁停电、谁送电”制度,不准他人送电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]ICrl8Ni9不锈钢和Q235低碳钢焊条电弧焊时,采用( )焊条焊接才能获得满意的焊缝质量。
A. 不加填充 B. E308—16 C. E309—15 D. E310—15 [单选题] 类作业,经行调批准,方可进行
A.A1、B1、C1 B.B1、B2、B3 C.C1、C2 D.A1、A2、A3 [单项选择]
Karl Von Linne (or Linnaeus, as he is widely known) was a Swedish biologist who devised the system of Latinised scientific names for living things that biologists use to this day. When he came to (1)_____ people into his system, he put them into a group called Homo—and Linne's hairless fellow humans are still known biologically as Homo sapiens. (2)_____ the group originally had a second member, Homo troglodytes. It lived in Africa, and the pictures show it to be covered (3)_____ hair. Modern (4)_____ are not as generous as Linne in welcoming other species into Man's lofty (5)_____, and the chimpanzee is now referred to (6)_____ Pan troglodytes. But Pan or Homo, there is no (7)_____ that chimps are humans' nearest living relatives, and that if the secrets of what makes humanity special are ever to be (8)_____, understanding why chimps are not people, nor people chimps, is a crucial part of the process. That, in turn, means looking at the DNA of the two species, ( [单选题]员工休假、学习等离岗超过( )个月停发劳动防护用品,并顺延其劳动防护用品配发期限。
A.1 B.3 C.6 D.12 [简答题]老子有言:“反者,道之动;弱者,道之用”,你如何理解这句话?
A.不得 B.可以 C.应当 D.以上选项都不对 [单选题]为小儿测量体重时,错误的做法是
A.晨起空腹排尿后进行 B.进食时立即进行 C.每次测量应在同一磅秤上称量 D.测量前应先校正磅秤为零点 E.脱去衣裤鞋袜后进行 [单选题]
线路零序保护动作,故障形式为(____)。 A. 短路 B. 接地 C. 过载 D. 过电压 [判断题])溜放过程中,驼峰自动化控制系统出现“出口超差”报警时,驼峰作业员(值班员)立即关闭驼峰主体信号,通知调车长停止溜放作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]双绞线对由两条具有绝缘保护层的铜芯线按一定密度互相缠绕在一起组成,缠绕的目的是()。
A. 提高传输速度 B. 降低成本 C. 降低信号干扰的程度 D. 提高电缆的物理强度 [单选题]充分条件指的是两个句子的一种关系。如果一个句子真,那么另一个句子必定是真,就称前一个句子是后一个句子的充分条件。以下哪项中的两个句子,前一个句子是后一个句子的充分条件?( )
A.存在一个数能被4整除,存在一个数能被2整除 B.地球围绕太阳在旋转,月亮是地球的卫星 C.曹操是曹植的父亲,曹丕与曹植是兄弟 D.江苏在安徽的东面,上海是一个国际化大都市 [单选题]()按类型分为色灯信号机、臂板信号机和机车信号机。
A.列车信号机 B.调车信号机 C.铁路信号 D.信号机 我来回答: 提交